Review – Chasing Shadows

Chasing Shadows cover


The BBC had no idea what they really had with Chasing Shadows. You can watch this short lived series for free on Tubi. Chasing Shadows is awesome. Way better than most cop television shows here in America.


Alex Kingston is fantastic. Many of you will remember her as River Song in Doctor Who. That woman can “just act.” Others may know her from Discovery of Witches. Always an enjoyable watch when she can toss a bit of “school marm” into the role.

Noel Clarke was quite a pleasure to see again. Most of you will remember him as Mickey from Doctor Who.

Reece Shearsmith is an absolute treasure. Man can he act. He plays a character that has almost no human interaction skills but is driven to stop multiple murderers. The only woman he seems to have any human relationship with is his “Girl Friday” that brings him food a few days per week and possibly cleans. When it is time for her to be paid he just hands her his wallet without even looking at what she takes.

Chasing Shadows Had Writing!

They should never have killed this after four episodes. This was crime drama for thinking people. If you are even a casual fan of the original Sherlock Holmes stories or more recently the Sherlock series, this is definitely for you.

For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.

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