Review – Winter Passing

Winter Passing cover


After watching Winter Passing on the STARZ network last night, I firmly believe that Zooey is quite possibly the most gifted actress her generation has spawned. Ed Harris delivers a phenomenal performance and the story line simply sucks you in for the ride. You forget you are watching a movie and get lost in the story.

Early on in Winter Passing, there is a troubling scene. After building up a story line about how this struggling actress rescued a kitten and was now raising it in her run down place in New York, they make a point of having the animal hospital call to confirm the kitten has feline leukemia. A few scenes later will come the part which is troubling to watch.

It was definitely necessary to show just how far below the bottom the character had landed, but some might skip watching the rest of the movie because of it. That would be a shame. That scene is also the reason I only gave the film 3-stars. Too many people, myself included, have trouble getting past that scene. If you want to know what the scene is, rent the movie and watch it for yourself.

For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.

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