Was Closing Your PayPal Account on Your Year End List?

It made it onto mine. Closed my eBay account quite some time ago. When eBay was America’s garage sale it was cool, now that it is nothing but store fronts it is shit. I had one person creating/resizing covers for the geek books I was releasing on the Espresso Book Machine who needed to be paid via PayPal so that kept the account around a while. Today I got some kind of PayPal spam/scam email and that reminded me to shut the account down.

You know, I had problems with credit cards I put on PayPal in the past. I know they constantly make claims about how good their security is, but, one reads stories and stories and stories and stories. Then there were the penalties instead of the CEO and board of directors being sent to prison.

Bye bye PayPal. There is now one less place for hackers to steal my credit card and identity info. I feel good about that.

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