Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mitch McConnell need to team up and stump for Nikki Haley. It will be difficult to beat back the frothing at the mouth Nazi’s supporting Alzheimer’s Don no matter how unhinged from reality he becomes. But you have to try and save level headed Reagan Republicans.
I Nikki my first choice? Nope. I wanted Hurd, but he has dropped out. Really tough to get behind anyone who says they will consider pardoning Trump. She needs to just do well enough that No Labels, Centrist Policy Project, and Unite America get behind her for a third party run.
Why am I asking you now?
- This poll has Nikki beating Biden head to head by double digits.
- Trump will be in a Georgia prison cell by general election time. Prosecutors just have to tell the jury the same thing a jury was told in the Ed Burke trial; “Listen to his words.” That one recording we’ve all heard is the whole enchalada, conspiracy and attempt to overturn the election.
- Biden has had gaffes, but it is obvious Trump has Alzheimer’s. You can’t be that disconnected from reality without severe mental problems.
- Mitch is retiring (so I hear). So this would be his chance to stick a thumb in Trump’s eye on the way out. It’s also a chance for him to undo some of the dramatic damage he did to his reputation defending Trump during impeachment. No matter what you want your legacy to be, the fact you didn’t vote this nutter out of office when you had the chance will be what history remembers.
This is the year
Not since “I’m all ears” Ross Perot ran has the American electorate been so primed for a third party choice that pays their taxes. Nikki has a ground game that got her on the ballots for the primary. That can be leveraged to get on as a third party. Every news report talks about how we want a choice. Nobody wants a Trump-Biden rematch except those two people. People need to fund a third party run for her just to see how bad she mops the floor with both of them in a general election.
- Independents can’t vote in most primaries.
- Only frothing at the mouth nutters show up to the Republican caucuses and primaries.
- Everybody votes in the general.
We need to see a nationwide Trump-Biden-Haley three-way poll with Nikki as an third party candidate. Is she my first choice? No. She’s not a thousand years old and she is the width of the state of Texas closer to center than Trump’s position. At least she won’t let Ukraine fall. Trump will hand it to his financial benefactor, Putin.
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