Nick Nolte just doesn’t get respect from critics. The Padre is an excellent film! I will admit I had my doubts when I put it on the list, but it delivered! this movie even has a Rewatchable Factor. I might own a copy when it hits the discount bins.
Valeria Emiliani is an actress you are going to see a lot more of. She doesn’t even have to try selling the role of streetwise hustler. It’s like she lived it her entire life. She breezes through the scenes like it is just another day.
Tim Roth really sells the hard drinking con-man traveling as a priest. Luis Guzman is a joy. I hope he really likes being a character actor and I seriously hope the studios pay him well for it. He is golden in roles like this.
The Padre has a low budget feel to it. That doesn’t mean it skimps. Mostly seems shot on location in a not great part of Mexico. Well, a not-tourist-attraction part at least. Nolte gets parts in big budget stuff, maybe he does these low budget things just for the freedom?
Summary: You will want to watch it at least twice. If you happen to see it in the discount bin add it to your collection.
For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.
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