Review – The Hunger Games – Catching Fire

Hunger Games: Catching Fire cover


As sequels go, Catching Fire wasn’t horrible. It was actually somewhat enjoyable even if it did have a “studio milking it for more” feel. Philip Seymour Hoffman generally tends to be an enjoyable watch. Jennifer Lawrence did a fine job and Woody Harrelson, well, he’s Woody, need I say more. Well, actually, I do. I kind of wonder just how good his acting will be now that he quit smoking marijuana.

It is commendable that they made a sequel which didn’t completely suck. Let’s be honest, most sequels totally suck. Most studios have more greed than brains. Catching Fire at least felt like some effort had been put into the script. They haven’t yet sunk to the level of relying completely on special effects.

It was somewhat nice to see the rebellion starting with the Victory Tour. The whole star crossed lovers thing was even more awkward in this installment. The new homes they both had were kind of nice but compared to the squalor the rest of the district was, they really should have made her and Peeta complete outcasts.

On the whole Catching Fire wasn’t a bad way to spend 146 minutes. Having said that, I would not sit through it again. This is not one to put in your video collection. More like filler if it happens to be on a channel you are watching.

Review of Mockingjay Part 1 is here.

Review of Mockingjay Part 2 is here.

For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.

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