Review – The Gift

The Gift cover


The Gift is a really weird movie. It’s a tale of modern society, bullying, and belittling. The Gift takes great pains to show how bullies never really change, nor do they ever take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Even later in life when their tactics switch from physical violence to political schmoozing and back stabbing, the bully itself doesn’t change. As long as they have some pleasure or it gets them ahead, it is justifiable.

Difficult to review this movie without giving the big hook away. Given all of the news reports and movements to try and end childhood bullying it’s a very timely movie. Parents and the news media seem to be focused on the current 24×7 level of bullying social media has created rather than on the long term damage suffered by all parties.

That last statement may seem really odd to you, but it is true. Oh, we all know of the bullies who never seem to “turn their life around” and end up in prison or gunned down in the street. Those are easy to identify and their outcomes are predetermined. It’s the ones who do seem to “turn their life around” or “rise to the top” we need to be most focused on because they actually get worse, not better. Watch the movie and you will understand. They just get better at bullying. Less obvious.

I only gave this 3 stars because the subject matter is compelling, but, the full delivery seemed to be missing something. I don’t know what. Perhaps they delivered all they intended and I had some desire to know more? It is a movie everyone should watch though. Despite the R rating, families should watch it together.

For more movie rental suggestions please view list one and list two.

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