Interstate 60 was an unexpected pleasure. About the only face I recognized in the film was Gary Oldman. I must confess to not knowing his name at the time. He is one of those versatile actors that disappears into the role. Then I recognized Michael J. Fox and a bunch of other larger named actors making what appeared to be cameo appearances.
In retrospect Interstate 60 is something of a tribute to the “strange trip” type movies of the 1970s with a dash of “Alice in Wonderland.” Every point in the journey brings a completely strange yet somewhat familiar destination. Yes, in classic story telling form the hero is on a quest, just not the quest he thinks he is on. He has to learn something about himself and it takes the magic of a modern day Leprechaun to teach him what his real quest is.
Watching a movie that is now almost twenty years old has an up side as well. It affords one ample opportunity to play the “Where are they now?” game. Sometimes called the “What else have I seen them in?” game. Did acting turn out to be a viable career for them or have they had nothing but “bit roles?”
I had no expectations of Interstate 60. I added it to my queue as an experimental movie because of its vague description. Perhaps that is the best way of approaching this movie. No expectations. Just looking for an interesting story before going to bed. It certainly delivers on that!
For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.
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