Infinite Exposure – Pt. 54

Infinite Exposure cover

Margret laughed out loud when she read the letter from the board. They had nipped Kent’s nads. There was no way he could do a cut & run now. By stalling off this contract until after certification of French banking rules, they had delayed the purchase a month. This delayed the installation enough that conversion wouldn’t be able to complete until the end of the next quarter. True, it would be good for testing, but it meant Kent was actually going to have to complete the data center migrations. I hope he hasn’t already spent the kickback he was to get from cutting that contract deliverable short, she chuckled to herself.

Carol happened to be walking by on her way somewhere when Margret called to her. “Carol, glad I saw you. You have to read this,” she said with a smile in her eye and a song in her voice.

Somewhat perplexed, Carol walked in and accepted the letter from Margret. She expected some email joke, not what she read. After Margret relayed her take on it, Carol responded quietly, “You missed the best part. The board didn’t say anything about migrating the U.S. Or Canadian operations to the new system. They deliberately avoided mentioning it by stating the countries. They know the new regulation will take effect before this is complete, and they’ve offered up Kent to the legal system. Do you see the notation at the bottom?” she asked, pointing to it for Margret.

Margret looked and nodded.

“This was filed as official correspondence from the board. A copy of it is in the archival system for investigators to find. When Kent migrates the U.S. Operations to this software, he has gone beyond the board’s instructions. If the regulators try to come down on the bank, they intend to hand Kent to them.”

Margret’s eyes got a little wider.

“Oh, you have a notarized letter in the same archival system, you’re good,” responded Carol. “I wonder if it is deliberate or if they are just playing the odds,” Carol mused.

“What do you mean?” Margret asked.

“Well, if it is deliberate, there should be some official communication somewhere, probably to the asset group or the realty group, telling them to keep two of the U.S. Data centers that have room for expansion and a comparatively low overhead cost in terms of taxes and electricity rates. The board will then be able to say they were under the impression all U.S. Banking operations were going to occur in these two data centers while all other operations were going to occur in the Indian locations.”

“You know what, you should prepare a report for them with respect to the expandability of the remaining U.S. Data center locations, the cost of electricity at each location, and the space currently available. If you bother sending it to Kent, simply put it in the folder of routine stuff he never looks at. Send it to the board and copy me on it. You can put in the subject that it is per the potential new regulation. Also include the number of people at each location who have the required background checks and clearance.”

Carol saw the confused look on Margret’s face and said, “I’m telling you this as a lawyer, not a friend.”

You are reading a special promotional version of “Infinite Exposure” containing only the first 18 chapters. This is the first book of the “Earth That Was” trilogy. You can obtain the entire trilogy in EPUB form from here:

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