Non-zero Zero

zero calories image

zero calories imageAs a geek I’m used to the concept of a non-zero zero. It happens when you are using floating point numbers. They can’t really store any number exactly, always just a close approximation. I’m less accustomed to it in the real world.

This morning I was pulled out of bed by a massive owl hooting outside my window. Sounded like it was less than three feet away. So, at 2:30 in the morning I rolled over and tested my sugar. Surprisingly it was only 117. I washed down my Pan-whatever-it-is acid reflux tablet, got dressed and went to my office.

At my office I pulled a previously opened can of Diet Mt. Dew out of the fridge.  Even as I write this at 6:46 in the morning there is still some in the can. That’s it in the photo. It clearly states zero calories on it.

After answering some email, thinking about writing, and playing some solitaire I went into the house for breakfast. (I’m supposed to wait at least half an hour after taking the pan-whatever before eating. Consuming non-dairy liquids is supposed to be okay.)

Just for grins I decided to test before eating. 139. WTF? Either the tiny little white pan-whatever (Pantroprazole?) expanded into a snickers bar in my stomach or my zero calorie Diet Mt. Dew isn’t really “sugar free”. I went to bed before 8pm and wouldn’t have gotten up if it weren’t for the owl. The activity involved with dressing and walking across the yard to my office had to burn a few calories.

The owl was still on top of the crib when I walked to the house for breakfast. Odds are it will visit again tomorrow or next week. They seem to be on some kind of circuit. Spend a few weeks here during the summer and a few weeks during the winter. One would think given the hawks, falcons, and owls which visit on a regular basis we wouldn’t have to deal with mice, but we do. Our gopher population is basically gone (not a bad thing.) I’m guessing game is getting scarce for them given all of the coyottes in the area.

A few summers ago a Southern Water Snake moved into the dirt around the crib foundation.

Southern Water Snake imageKind of freaked me out as I was zipping along with the zero turn mower wearing sandals. Don’t see much in the way of rats or mice around there now though.

So. What I’m saying is that I should be able to conduct this experiment a few more times without any effort on my part. I’m sure the owls will visit shortly after midnight again. I’m sure I will be able to change up the fluid from Diet Mt. Dew to brewed iced tea (tea I actually brewed from a bag) to just bottled water.

I would be interested in hearing from other diabetics taking Pantroprazole. Test before you take it then test just before you finally eat. Keep track of what “zero calorie” beverage you consume. It would be interesting to find out if the drug is causing the sugar spikes or if my “zero calorie” drink isn’t really zero.

Update: 2020-01-09

Woke up early again this morning. Tested: 154 (yeah, I ate too much last night) Took my Pantroprazole and went out to office. This time I drank only fresh brewed iced tea that I brewed myself from a big bag. When it came time to go in for breakfast I tested again: 124. This is what I expected. Will conduct another test the next time I wake up real early. I’m still interested in hearing the experiences of other diabetics on this matter.

Update: 2020-01-10

Big bottle of Diet Dew imageCuriouser and Curiouser. Woke up about 4:15 am and tested 162, yikes! Gotta start behaving better at night. Drank from a 1L bottle of Diet Dew (instead of the can) checking email until 5:18 am. Tested 138. I’m wondering if this is specific to canned Diet Dew? Perhaps the canned Diet Dew in Illinois or Midwest. I know not all Diet Mt. Dew is the same, but I wouldn’t think the back of the can could lie. Oh, if you don’t believe me about all Diet Dew not being the same just look at the cans and bottles. Some will say “0 Calories,” others will have 5, 10, whatever.

Will try to keep a running log of this for a while. I’m guessing the Pantroprazole is off the hook for the sugar spike. Too bad prescription Pantroprazole seems like a placebo compared to over-the-counter Prilosec.

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