Infinite Exposure – Pt. 78

Infinite Exposure cover

Nikolaus greeted Abel with a firm handshake when he came to Nikolaus’s office. Abel had been a loyal party member willing to do whatever was asked of him. He currently was a senior VP at this corporation’s little-talked-about generic drug division.

“It is good to see you again, Abel.” “And you. It has been quite some time since you called me into service.” “Well, I shall be calling you into service today,” said Nikolaus as he closed his office door. Both men sat down and Nikolaus handed Abel some papers.

“I need this company set up as a distributor in Russia. Here is their contact information, letters of credit, etc. They need access to the online inventory and ordering system for all of the items we sell to anybody and a list of items we will be shipping to just them.”

“Will my company be making these products, stocking them, or shipping them?”

“No. These products will come out of the secured location. I have the list of them here with their costs and the only description that will be available. They are the only ones to see these items.”

“No problem with that. I will have to coordinate with some people here at the main headquarters to get them access to the inventory system. I will assign one of my staff to set them up. How big of a territory do they get?”

“Doesn’t matter. Simply ensure that all three of their distribution locations are in the system for shipping.”

“This is some rather low pricing for specialty stuff. Am I going to have to explain it to anyone?”

“No. Send them to me if they ask.” “Should I flag them for no marketing contact?” “I didn’t know we had such a capability.” “We do now that you have the secured location and the kind of customers who go along with it.” “Can we flag them for marketing contact from your division only?” “I believe that is an option. Are they actually going to buy our products?” “They expressed a strong desire to have access to everything you make. Here is the contact information for an individual they can chat with. He is also expecting product catalogs, marketing literature, etc. They haven’t expressed an interest in the primary products of the corporation, but you should have your people contact him and verify that before flagging them.” “Will do. I can set them up with half a million in credit without having to do the letter of credit checking. Once that goes through they may get a higher limit. I assume you need this done yesterday?” “Within the next two days, yes. The specialty products are almost ready for shipment from the secured location warehouse. They want the products shipped on the same truck as their other products, though. You will have to handle how to coordinate that.” “Normally, that doesn’t happen, with items from there. I will have to see if that warehouse allows for it. We have what is called a ‘transfer ship’ capability. We will pick and pack an order leaving it waiting on the dock for an arrival from another warehouse before sending the truck out. I assume you want this stuff loaded in the front for when it crosses the border?” “You would assume correctly.”

“If you talk to them again, tell them to flag their orders as ‘ship complete’ when they place them. I will tell my people to do the same. It is the only way the ‘transfer ship’ process will kick in. By default we do a split shipment, but that is probably more than you care to know about our logistics system.”

“It is enough for me to know that you know,” grinned Nikolaus.

“I will get on this now and let you know when they have been set up,” Abel said, getting up.

“I’m surprised you didn’t ask what this was all about.” “I don’t care. Right now my only concern is which distributor we are going to honk off by giving up some of their territory to this distributor. One of their locations is in the middle of a territory held by one of our bigger distributors. I have to get legal involved to see if we have any wiggle room in the contract.” “We give exclusive territories for generics?” “Generally no, but when you handle the primary product line and have an exclusive territory it is generally written into the contract you get the same territory for the generics. When it comes time to make a case, I’m going to have to point them at you.” “Understood. I will simply tell legal that this distributor is participating in one of our black ops projects and they asked to get access to the generics in order to fill out the truck with some business that customs wouldn’t question.” “Sounds good to me,” said Abel.

“It had better be good because it is the truth,” responded Nikolaus.

You are reading a special promotional version of “Infinite Exposure” containing only the first 18 chapters. This is the first book of the “Earth That Was” trilogy. You can obtain the entire trilogy in EPUB form from here:

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