This is why you don’t put an uncouth dumb ass in the White House. No, it doesn’t matter how much he backs your White Supremacist views. No, it doesn’t matter how much he helps you commit the ultimate sin of man by stacking the Supreme Court with Bible thumping terrorists, thus forcing your religion onto another. You don’t put a dumb ass in the White House.
What do you do when your tax cut for the wealthy to be paid for by poor people can’t be funded by the poor people? You propose cutting the CDC budget to make up the difference, right in front of a shiny new pandemic.
Oh wait! You “fix” that by putting Pence in charge of handling the Coronavirus in America. Personally I have nothing against Pence. He got saddled with the biggest loser in the world and will be riding out of town. as a single term Vice President. There was no way he was getting a second term following that loser into Washington. The sad little detail in all of this is the Trump Recession had already started, but the Fox Fiction Network will spin this as the Coronavirus Recession. Yes, you can artificially inflate the stock market by handing free money to Wall Street, but then the recession hits. Always will. Why? Because there are no financial fundamentals holding up the valuations. A consumer driven economy must always put the money in the hands of the consumers, not the wealthy. It cannot work any other way.
Seriously? Of all the people you appointed and/or have working for you in another capacity you picked Pence because he was the most loyal? Yeah, that’ll fix a pandemic! As I said, I have nothing personal against Pence. As far as I know he was never a board certified anything in the medical field and he was never in charge of logistics for the military. We can all get a good yuck out of the phrase “Military Intelligence” but the one thing we can’t laugh at is military logistics. When they deploy millions of tons of men and equipment must arrive in theater en-masse. They can’t show up one at a time where the enemy can pick them off like target practice.
If you wanted to look like you had a single functioning brain cell you could have at least picked Ben Carson. He at least had a medical license and thanks to running for President has a recognized name. If you are looking to sooth fears you don’t put a politician in charge of a pandemic. You also don’t go before cameras and talk out your ass claiming
Granted I’m an IT geek, but I’ve worked for drug and medical device manufacturers. You aren’t sticking me with any vaccine you developed in “just a couple of months.” That is especially true when your buddies move drug manufacturing off-shore to escape “burdensome regulations” like testing Metformin for NDMA. Even if Canada didn’t already have cheaper drugs, someone who wants to stay alive should be buying them there because it appears they actually test the things and issue recalls for the violators. Here is an article about the supply in the U.S. I gotta wonder, do the manufacturers choose which bottles to send to the FDA for testing? It kind of sounds like VW diesel emissions cheating at a higher level. Here, send a few bottles where we actually filtered the water we used in for testing and ship the real drugs to consumers.
Admittedly, Ben Carson by himself can’t do much about this pandemic. He needs the ability to draft, yes, I used that word, draft, those he needs. In particular he needs a mandate to shut everything but hospitals, ambulatory, and grocery stores down. He also needs to be able to deploy senior military procurement and supply shipping personnel. Yeah, you read that right. A token few factories producing toilet paper, drugs, sterile wipes, face masks/protective gear, and canned foods need to keep operational with at least a skeleton crew, but everything non-perishable needs to shut down. You can’t contain this if people are still going to church.
The WHO didn’t toss out the phrase pandemic because it sounded cool. If China hadn’t taken draconian measures, after punishing the doctor who blew the whistle, there death toll would be staggering. If one can trust Wikipedia, it is over 3100 at the time of this writing. When you consider they have around a billion people living there, that doesn’t sound like such a big number. The draconion measures helped stem that. If they had taken the Donald Trump “It’s all ‘Fake News'” approach there would be hundreds of thousands dead there already. It’s a game of math people. You don’t have to be a licensed physician to figure out drafting the military to build “hospitals” in week stopped a lot of people from dying. Locking down entire cities might have sucked for the healthy people living there realizing they are stuck in a leper colony or riding a plague ship, but containment is the only option.
we are very close to a vaccine.
While you are having someone explain to you how tariffs actually work have someone else explain what a clinical trial is. We require clinical trials for a great many things. These aren’t “burdensome regulations.” They exist because people who run companies are criminals. As long as they make a fast buck they don’t care who dies. If you don’t believe me you can either follow the unfolding story behind the NDMA in Metformin or you can do some deep diving for “clotting agent from HIV tainted blood”. It wasn’t just Bayer who did that. It happened in America too.
Roland! You aren’t passionate about your views are you? I was feeling kind of like an old man who rants after receiving your comment about “What People With Lots of $ Should Know.” Now I don’t feels so bad. I’ve got extra soap boxes around the place, so next time you’re in Portland we won’t have to share.
I’m not sure there will be anyone left in Portland once Coronavirus gets done with that coast. Then again, I’m another old man that rants. Enjoy the Social Security I’m paying into and will never receive!