What can I say? Wrath of Man is a classic Jason Statham film and I’m a Jason Statham fan. Any movie with reasonable dialog and him killing a whole bunch of bad guys rates high on my must watch list. Wrath of Man didn’t disappoint.
Staying Power
Film critics always empty their colons on action movies. The general population can’t spend money fast enough on them. So, in Hollywood, with the notable exception of Meryl Streep and a few others, if you are the kind of actor who makes the critics happy, you starve to death. Hopefully Keira Knightley will soon figure that out and get back to making big budget mind candy.
Yes, doing the same job day in – day out is boring and repetitious. It’s called being a factory worker on an assembly line. You do it for shoes, groceries, and a roof over your head. Andy Kaufman didn’t figure that out and he died rather poor. He kept wanting to do something more and artsy. If he would have just kept playing Latka he could have cashed checks every week until the day he died.
I hear some film critics dump on Jason Statham’s acting. I’m okay with that. Give him credit where credit is due. He is phenomenal at choosing roles he can excel in. He is willing to “work at the factory” to keep the cash rolling and he does artsy type things between the big paychecks.
Wrath of Man (2021) Story
There is not really a good way to review this without giving up too much of the plot. It’s an intricate plot that doesn’t really get revealed until almost the end. Yes, they got that part of story telling right here. Jason plays a father who works/worked for a criminal organization. He gets pulled in at the last minute to be a spotter for a cash truck job. Happens to have his son with him. Bad things happen, son gets killed.
Everything else is about finding out who did it and making them pay.
Too bad there was a separate story happening. Gotta love plot line collisions!
For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.
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