Well Here’s to Twenty Years!

Glass of ChardonnayQuack science surrounds us. Media outlets report on it when they can spin it to fit their agenda. In the latest round of religious terrorists trying to justify even more “sin” taxes we have this article.

Here’s what I love about quack science.

  1. It’s always yacking about something 20-40 years out.
  2. Actually proving their claim would require keeping people in some kind of hermetically sealed bubble where they could only consume what was offered and couldn’t have any harmful interactions with others.
  3. They seem to always overlook the mercury, asbestos and radiation dumped into the ocean coming back in the seafood we consume, unless that was the focus of the study, then it overlooks everything else.

I’ve yet to see one of these “scientific” studies take on the life global life threatening potential of the Clintons taking a bribe from the Russians to clear the sale of uranium mines to Russians so they could make even more nuclear weapons, then using the money to help fund Hillary’s presidential run and Bill’s apparent embezzlement/skimming habit. The religious fundamentalists want everyone who actually enjoys life to be both miserable and hand all of their money over in taxes so they can only afford rough-spun clothing and a cave.

Here’s to another 20 years!

Liberty Creek label

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