Featured image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
Melony continued “I was lucky enough to get his mother’s house sold after the tenant moved out and before the nuclear strike of the factory being off-shored. The money is in safe investments to pay for her care. Getting harder to find safe investments now though.”
“How so? According to the news the stock market is roaring” I asked.
“Haven’t you been paying attention to any of the news?” Melony asked. This whole #MeToo thing is going to spin totally out of control. Don’t get me wrong, Many of the women coming forward right now have legitimate claims, but the pendulum is gaining speed. It’s going to swing way back leaving carnage in its wake.”
“Ever heard of wimins?” she asked. I shook my head no. “Some spell it W-I-M-I-N-S others spell it W-O-M-I-N-S. The spelling doesn’t matter much. They are a group of militant penis hating lesbians. I’ve run into them on-line when I was chatting looking for interesting guys. No, I wasn’t looking for the guy with the biggest schlong. I was looking for guys with a functioning muscle between their ears. I found a few, but when they found out about the four for one deal they disappeared.”
“At any rate” Melony continued “these wimins would bust into any chat room which allowed both men and women berating how men were allowed in and ranting about all kinds of anti-male things. Well, until they got kicked by the moderators. This #MeToo thing is going to spin out of control. It has already gained so much momentum that the news now just says ‘inappropriate behavior.’ There’s not even a trial. I have no doubt many of these guys were and still are pieces of shit, but, this is a freight train coming down hill.”
“I’m still not seeing where you are going with this” I stated.
“We are to the point where all claims are simply believed. There is no benefit of a doubt and no innocent until proven guilty. There is a claim and then there are calls for dismissal or removal and summary conviction. These wimins now have nuclear weapons. To them a man being born is ‘inappropriate behavior.’ You can laugh if you want, but it is true. I’ve run into them, not just on-line. Some live around here. Every business is going to be hit by this and the stock market will crash.”
“Do you really believe there are enough of them to reek such havoc?” I asked honestly.
“Doesn’t have to be.” she responded. “It’s just like a terrorist attack. A public detonation will be run by the news around the clock until the next public detonation. How many jewelry store chains, catering companies and banquet halls are owned by publicly traded companies?”
“I have no idea” I answered truthfully.
“Lots. When this pendulum reaches terminal velocity you are going to see a ninety five percent drop in the number of marriages. All of these companies will be impacted by a nation turning away from both sex and marriage. All of these people hooking up via those sex apps will try to disappear as the first wave of women seduced into changing their mind after the fact start pulling down records of communications and making claims of their own. They will have message logs to back up much of what they say. In short” she said pausing for dramatic effect, “he will have no reason to go to Jared.”
I laid there contemplating this for a while. Melony was either one of the most intelligent women I had ever met or a nutter who just hadn’t gotten around to wrapping her house in aluminum foil. It’s often a very fine line between genius and insanity. In truth the only real difference was someone managed to understand the genius.
“You’re judging again.” Her voice interrupting my train of thought. “Nope, just contemplating” I responded.
“No. You’re judging because you haven’t listened for the details and haven’t asked the right questions” she insisted.
“What haven’t I listened to?” I challenged.
“Money comes into a trust for my daughter, but I manage it” she stated. “My mother-in-laws house was sold and the money put into a brokerage account I manage. I even have my own small brokerage account. I buy lots of dividend paying stocks, not sexy long shots. I listen for the bell tolling and the hunchback has started it swinging. When you are a single mom who would like to have a husband again, you pay attention to the things which will stop that from happening.”
Still with the wind in her sails Melony continued “By the end of next year guys will be running scared. Companies manufacturing tissues, not tech companies, will be the Wall Street darlings because guys are scared to even say hello to a woman. They will all be at home going through wads of tissue instead of asking a woman out. Restaurant chains of the going out for a date variety will see same store sales plummet. Guys will become scared to even speak to a female bartender. Five years out schools will be closing because of drops of enrollment instead of money or achievement issues.”
“Do you want to know the no-win nuclear scenario?” she asked me.
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