Russian Collusion and The 1A

Slpipery WeaselThe other day I was driving and listening to NPR. It happened to be during the time slot when The 1A was on. I really try to give this show a chance, but it is such a Clinton cheer leading squad I really don’t see how it can claim to be non-partisan. The show at the link is what triggered this particular rant. There was an Asha something or other from Yale weighing in and I almost fell out of the car when I heard some of the things all of the guests were saying.

Honestly I had to turn the show off after this Asha person went on this long explanation of how Paul Manafort was $10 million in debt to a Russian Oligarch then talked about how intelligence agencies use greed and debt to develop an intelligence asset and then called this a case about Russian Collusion. No, it’s not. Developing an intelligence asset and getting them to do what you want is spy craft. Every intelligence agency in the world does this. It has nothing to do with collusion. This is working an asset.

Collusion requires willing cooperation.

Collusion would be a certain Wall Street bank paying a $750,000 “speaking fee” after the fact to someone (Hillary Clinton) who could whisper in the ear of Federal authorities to get prison time taken off the table during the mortgage fraud investigation.

Russian Collusion would be exerting one’s political influence to get a sign off on the Uranium One deal then accepting $145 million in donations from people connected to Uranium One. The collusion is even bigger if the Clinton Foundation did even one nickel’s worth of work or donations to Hillary Clinton’s campaign because you cannot ethically say they used “other” donations, not the Russian contributions.

Collusion is utilizing political influence to get the FBI to call the email investigation a “matter” just like the campaign was doing.

Having Russian Intelligence manufacture an asset then direct said asset to do things is not collusion. It is standard spy craft. Collusion requires willing cooperation.

Even the Snopes article calling the claim Clinton’s gave American uranium to Russia for money false reads like a weasel with greased fur trying to slip through a knot hole. This is what American “fact checking” has come to. Because someone didn’t have “direct control” over something, they couldn’t have made it happen. Washington influence peddling is now simply overlooked so pay-to-play politics can continue unabated.

Lord of War cover artI’m really tired of the Hillary spin doctors saying the Uranium One has a provision that the uranium cannot be shipped to Russia. Do you really think anyone is physically monitoring the ships once they leave a U.S. port? Hell, we’ve caught North Korea doing ship to ship transfers to get around embargoes and sanctions. How quickly we forget the true life story told in “Lord of War” where they simply changed the ship name and registration once it was out to international waters. No need to mess with the hassle of a transfer in the ocean. Just paint a new name, fly a different flag and break out a different ship’s manifest.

I find it rather amazing that mainstream media never comments on Hillary’s Russian Collusion.

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