If Biden Lets Ukraine Fall I Cannot Vote For Him

If Biden lets Ukraine fall without putting boots on the ground and invading Russia as a counter strike, I cannot vote for him again. It’s really that simple. I liked Obama as a President. But declaring use of chemical weapons a Red Line and not nuking the Syrian capital out of existence after they used them again was spineless.

Don’t get me wrong. I won’t vote for the Imbecile-in-Chief Donald Trump. I’m a real Republican, not a Trump Turd. While this will fall on deaf ears because so many Trump Turds are still waiting for a Kennedy to rise from the grave and return Trump to the White House in August; If that Imbecile-in-Chief was in office the U.S. would be helping with the invasion of Ukraine. The hand polished turd idolizes Supreme Leader Putin and always does his bidding.

Despite QAnon being unmasked, Trump Turds simply can’t comprehend reality. Fake Reality, Fake Meat, Fake President. No my dear reader, if that worthless turd was still in the White House the reputation of America as a country would be utterly decimated right now. Trump would have us aiding Russia because he idolizes Putin. He called him a Genius for the invasion. Putin drummed up support among Russian people with fake news broadcast on official channels. The same fake news he will broadcast over the KGB funded Trump social medial network The Fraud. (Okay, he tries to call it “the truth” but Trump perpetually lies so a more accurate name . . .)

Ukraine and Taiwan are the same

Both are independent states with a brutal dictator claiming them for their own. It’s more accurate to call President Xi “Adolf Xi” given his final solution for the Uighurs. If you slept through history class, here is the Final Solution link.

Both brutal dictators imprison and exterminate competition. Navalny was just the latest in a long line for Russia. China clamps down on media access, but you all saw Tienmen.

Tienmen Square Massacre

Our Responsibility

It is America’s responsibility to put Russia down for this. There is an unprecedented troop build up in the EU. We have drones that fire missiles capable of taking out multi-story buildings. One well placed hit on an aircraft carrier can sink it. Start with the carriers to cut the opposing air force dramatically. Sinking a carrier takes out both the planes and the pilots. We have satellites to help target things. One or two NATO members could join in and you could get them all within 24-hours.

You continue with the rest of the navy including the subs so war ships can sail right to the coast if needed. They can provide massive long range missile/artillery support for the ground invasion.

Yeah, he’s threatening nukes. They’ve always threatened nukes. An overwhelming ground strike with support from ships long range weapons can trim that ability.

Don’t Forget the Fifth Column

Russian anti-ware protestors

They are being arrested by the thousands and still they protest. The same thing happened over Navalny. Just how many of these people are in missile silos and will refuse to turn the key? The anti-Oligarch part of Russian society has been growing for a long time. When the boots hit the ground they will be there. We know this because right now they are there and unarmed. Bring extra guns and ammo when you move in.

Featured image courtesy of layaeducation.com

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