Featured image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
I dropped off the rental and signed my new name, not that it matter. I’m pretty certain someone in the organization owned a big piece of this location, if not the chain. I’m also pretty certain people who work for my employer wanted a chance to clean the car. This entire situation has a wrong feeling about it, that much I’m willing to admit. I’m fairly certain the building will have metal detectors so I’m only wearing my organics and full synthetics.
Thankfully the big banks still launder money for drug dealers and assassins. It means each identity has an ATM card with thousands of fee free locations. I even put on a hat to help shield my face from the camera.
Oh, I know, you’ve all heard about the anti-money laundering laws and regulations. You’ve probably even seen the banks advertise for anti-money laundering professionals. You see, you looked right where the magician wanted. The real job of those “professionals” is to figure out how the banks can keep laundering money without going to jail. Of course, as long as Hillary Clinton can whisper in the ear of someone in the Justice Department, Wall Street bankers never will go to prison and she’ll just keep collecting those “speaking fees.”
God I hate New York! The unattended public toilet of the world, with Jersey as its septic tank. I avoid this shit-hole at all costs. Turned down a lot of good paying jobs here. That reminds me, before I leave I need to get on one of these elevated walkways or balconies and piss on the pedestrians below just like every other New Yorker. It would be too common to just piss from the top of the subway steps on everyone below. I would also have to wait my turn. It could be a hundred degrees in the shade or fifteen below and you still need rain gear to ride the subway. Uneducated people in third world countries behave better than New Yorkers.
New York. This is where the modern definition of corruption comes from. Hillary Clinton collecting “speaking fees” to speak in the ear of Justice Department officials keeping Wall Street bankers out of prison and Paul Ryan letting a mega-million dollar carve out for Senator Corker be in the final version of the middle class ass raping Republicans called a tax plan. Yep. Pay a Senator millions via a carve out and suddenly they don’t care about the trillions your boondoggle of a bill will explode the deficit. Thank you New York. Corruption has been your biggest gift to America. Hopefully you will be excommunicated soon.
At the security desk I said I was there to see whoever it was. Both my name and hers were throwaways so I didn’t commit it to memory. I did have it written down on a slip of paper and showed the girl my driver’s license. She searched the directory and rang up. You know, security asking to see a person’s driver’s license makes it so easy for a fake identity. They didn’t even ask your name, just read it off the driver’s license. Good thing too, because I didn’t know it. I wonder if anyone saw me reading it on my way to the elevator?
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