Just How Far SNL Has Fallen

There used to be a time, long ago, when Saturday Night Live was worth watching. The humor was actually humor and they didn’t support a candidate or push a political agenda. They just made fun of those currently holding office like all other comedy shows. I can’t remember exactly when I stopped watching. Some time after High School graduation and well before my second year of college. It just wasn’t funny anymore. It wasn’t humor for the sake of humor and it wasn’t art anymore either. As one politician got in trouble for saying recently

It’s all about the Benjamins baby.

During the 2016 election it was almost impossible to avoid the SNL Bernie bashing while supporting that treasonous bitch Hillary Clinton. You know, the one who used her influence to rig the Democratic primary, thus defrauding all Democratic party donors. Most likely donors sent money via both electronic transfer (credit card or bank wire) and via the U.S. Postal Service. That would make the rigging of the Democratic primary both wire and mail fraud, yet nobody from the Democratic party went to prison. Funny that.

Yes, SNL seems to have been bought and paid for by the DNC. Why? Because they are doing it again.

snl tg image

It’s a long way into the segment but you can find it here for now.

Personally, I’m not paying that much attention to the Democratic field. As a Republican I don’t get to vote in that primary. So far I haven’t heard Tulsi say anything horrible or incredibly stupid and that is saying a lot in this election. Yes, I’ve sent her and several of the other single digit polling candidates the $15-$25 they emailed asking for so they could meet the debate stage threshold. Why? Because watching the DNC and whoever else trying to juggle that many people on stage is somewhat entertaining. Besides, it appears the DNC has already chosen the candidate they are going to run and once again this entire debate thing is just a joke for them to fleece more donors.

As a country we do need to have a chance at hearing the views and plans of the low pollers. Much of what has been put forth by the front runners is honestly uninteresting. It might make for great theater on stage, but won’t go any farther than that. The things which could go far aren’t really any kind of change. That whole “Wealth Tax” thing won’t really solve anything. Yes, I’ve sent many of those candidates links or cut & paste versions of “The Ethics in Income Act” also known as “Trickle Down With a Chain Saw” hoping one of them would see just how it makes much of the other things they want to do financially doable. A consumer economy must keep the cash in the hands of the consumer. You can’t fix anything until you fix a large portion of the income inequality problem. That’s the bottom line.

Hopefully one of them will wake up and smell the tea brewing. You take away Trump’s base by putting forth a plan which directly raises their personal incomes. The government can do that. A “Wealth Tax” will only put more money in the government’s hands and we all know they will whiz it away on pet projects for mega donors allowing our national debt to continue soaring.

If you want to feel good about your personal debt or horrible about how the last election went given each party put forth worthless candidates, spend a few minutes watching the U.S. Debt clock run.



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