Better yet – hug someone even if you don’t like them

I turned on MPR this morning as I was driving to Perkins for breakfast. The highway was empty near 9am and I found out why when I got to Perkins. Everyone had beaten me there. I heard a blurb which stuck in the back of my mind.

Better yet – hug someone even if you don’t like them

Judging from the on-line schedule this was part of Weekend Edition Sunday and it should have been Lulu Garcia-Navarro. I will apologize now if I have fingered the wrong person or show. Shaming isn’t my intent. It is pointing out the horribly mixed messages and the inevitable human extinction current societal trends are hurtling us towards.

Hugging is not allowed – Inappropriate Behavior

In a #MeToo era hugging isn’t allowed anymore. Even the morning television shows are cashing in on that soundbite.

If you don’t believe me just ask Joe Biden how hugging has been working out for him. I had never heard of Bob Hertzbert until a state senate rules committee banned him from hugging. They don’t even hug on NCIS anymore and that was one of the most endearing parts of the series.

Demolition Man – cover

MPR/NPR needs to reach back to 1993 and rent “Demolition Man.” It’s honestly quite shocking how many action and science fiction movies from the late 1980s through mid-1990s which critics emptied their colons on have come to accurately predict the massive downward spiral of the human species brought on by media elites and people who devoutly believe they are “doing God’s work.” Yes, every one of those “Holier Than Thou” types campaigning for “sin taxes” and other “God’s work” agenda’s brings the species one mile closer to extinction, not salvation, unless you consider salvation the same thing as mass extermination or the general loss of all humanity.

While Silvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes got the attention and headlines back then, it was Sandra Bullock’s character with the real story to tell. Narrating the bridge between 20th century and “future now” was almost background when I watched this movie as a young man. Now it is the most poignant bit of “future history” I’ve ever seen.

The Fourth Reich

Freedom of speech is already dead. If you say anything not in loving support of the media elite (doesn’t matter which side they are on) they mobilize your social media supporters to run you out of town. Your career is over. Just ask Rosanne Barr. The list who have been silenced is long. The Fourth Reich started at UC Berkley in 2017 and it is marching ever onward. Those who claim to be liberal have become Nazi’s themselves. Sad, but true. When you can justify a Nazi tactic because you like the result you have become a Nazi. QED

All form of human contact is now “inappropriate” for anyone who wishes to claim it as such. They don’t even need to identify the contact (or comment).

“Inappropriate contact”

“Inappropriate behavior”

“Inappropriate comments”

People’s lives end because someone in the media (social, public or commercial) uses one of these four inch wide brushes to paint someone and the rest follow suit. No one has any idea what the inappropriate thing was but they all live in deathly fear of being branded “inappropriate” and societally shunned so they are quick to jump on any targeted victim just to save themselves from being the target.

No Contact High Five

We are days away from the no-contact high five being mandated by this brainwashed mob.

Unwanted teen births are down but it is not because the holy rolling terrorists have won them over to whichever cult they are from. It’s because they are too busy sexting to meet for actual sex. Actual sex would require them to put the phone down.

Speaking of actual sex

Per the movie and per our current societal trends, it will be outlawed soon too. I run into an alarming number of parents who have 20-something children and are upset that their child has never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. They are going to hit their 30s and all they know about having an intimate relationship with another human being are images on their phone.

That’s our future and it is not that far off. Less than a decade if things continue down their current path. Laugh all you want, the tech is getting close. I kid you not. The religious terrorists running for office will pass the laws and given the current idiot phone addiction today’s youth has we will find ourselves in a 1993 movie.

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