Review – Hotel Transylvania

Hotel Transylvania cover


Hotel Transylvania was a completely enjoyable cartoon!

If you are a parent you probably have had to watch this movie 100 times already and aren’t reading this review. This review is for everybody else.

I think Hotel Transylvania is more for tweens that the younger kids only because it revolves around a first kiss and falling in love, but thankfully that is only a tiny part of the show. A big part of the plot, but a tiny part of the show.

As an adult, you do not have to be embarrassed if someone catches you watching this without any kids around. There is something for everyone in it. I’ve seen it a few times. Rented it once then a few different stations ran it when I was looking for something to watch. Oddly enough, it is just as enjoyable the 4th time as the first. Perhaps it is just because I grew up watching Scooby-Doo and The Jetsons but I find I don’t shy away from the current crop of well done animations.

Put this on the list to watch when nobody is around if you are that embarrassed by the thought of someone seeing you watch a cartoon. It is definitely worth your time.

For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.

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