Review – And So It Goes

And So It Goes cover


And So It Goes has got to be the best romantic comedy ever done, bar none. Yes, it is even better than “When Harry Met Sally.” I was almost twenty-something when I saw Harry meet Sally and I’m gracing my way into AARP now so I can honestly tell you, this one is better.

Diane Keaton simply owns the screen in And So It Goes. Michael Douglas does his usual phenomenal acting job, but Diane simply runs away with this film. Both actors leave the audience with a “this is really happening” feeling. You are completely immersed in the film from the first minutes.

What both this movie and “When Harry Met Sally” got right was the use of romance. Instead of being this over the top torture guys have to sit through with girl friends like “Titanic” both of these films use it sparingly, like the USDA recommended amount of salt in any given meal instead of the amount most meals have.

This isn’t a movie you will complain about having to sit through again with a lady friend. Sadly, they will probably make you sit through “Titanic” again instead. Do yourself a favor, find a woman who prefers this movie to “Titanic” and marry her because the others are just going to ruin your life.

For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.

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