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Is the Internet Archive Project a Good Thing?
The Internet Archive project started out trying to preserve point in time snapshots of the Internet like newspapers old photos of towns. The question is, should we? The Internet isn’t a town we built. It won’t ever be a place…
Stories in the Music
I think I’m safe in saying that nearly everyone listens to music and among those who do, most enjoy music with lyrics as much as they do the pure sounds of an instrumental piece. As a writer I enjoy a…
Why a New Car Costs So Much
Why a new car costs so much is one of the worst kept secrets in the automotive industry. It ain’t the unions, it’s the management. There have been articles in obscure or industry specific locations of the Web covering this…
Stories and Maps
As an avid reader of fiction, I enjoy a globetrotting adventure with detailed place descriptions and lots of action. When I’m fortunate enough to be transported while reading such a novel, I travel in the shoes of the main character imagining…
Did AARP Get Belize Wrong?
It was not that long ago AARP listed Belize as one of the best places to retire abroad. They made it sound so inviting. Fast track to citizenship and the wonderful description. Heck, not long after that Leonardo Dicaprio bought…
Adding Ringtones to Kyocera DuraXV
Adding ringtones to your Kyocera DuraXV is rather straight forward . . . once you find the correct steps to follow. My crummy Convoy phone started to have problems most annoying. Any time one of my alarms would go off…
Welcome to the Blog
Welcome to the blog for Interesting Authors! From time to time the authors in our little group will give you an opportunity to climb inside of their mind, at least, where their mind currently is, and see what’s going on…