Migrants and Refugees Gave Us the Soft Landing

Migrants crossing border

Photo by Humberto Chávez

Migrants and refugees are the victims of the Trump induced Maga Nazi rage. In truth, they are the reason we had a soft landing. As much as that statement sticks in the craw of the Nazi race that has inhabited the GOP in America, it’s a fact.

Featured image by Humberto Chávez on Unsplash

Nancy Wasn’t Wrong

Despite all of the flack she caught for uttering the statement, she wasn’t wrong about the state of farm labor. Even my most Nazi White Supremacist childhood friend agreed she wasn’t wrong and when I heard him say that out loud I thought we were ten seconds away from The Rapture. As a Republican who grew up and still lives on a functioning family farm, I can tell you labor a family farm can afford doesn’t exist. Since none of you will pay $34 for a box of corn flakes and $100/pound for hamburger, that’s the reality. Because you want to pay $1/head for lettuce instead of the $20/head it would cost, you have to look the other way when illegals cross the border to work in the fruit and vegetable fields.

Not Just Fruits and Vegetables

Ever eaten a McDonald’s or any other fast food hamburger? Oh, you only eat chicken?

Got news for you. The people who work in the slaughterhouses are mostly immigrant/migrant labor. You will also find a large number of illegal aliens, some with really good paperwork and others just being exploited. You will even find migrant children working damned dangerous jobs there.

I worked damned dangerous jobs as a kid. I shelled corn and scooped out grain bins. Just something that had to be done on a family farm. Even today when nobody shells corn from a crib anymore we still have entrapment deaths working in bins. We all did our best to not die because we were working with family or for neighbors. When you read or listen to the stories about the migrant children investigation you learn they aren’t even given proper protective gear to clean machinery designed to carve up a cow in just moments.

271,000 Ukrainians

When Donald Trump is preaching to his Nazi followers about “Poisoning our blood” or however he phrases it, they all seem to overlook the fact we have admitted 271,000 Ukrainians. Odds are we will admit many more. Most speak some passable level of English when they arrive. Many are educated. Others come with trade skills.

Do you know what is different here?

They get a work permit once they arrive and fill out a few forms. Some can do office jobs like software development, others have trades like plumber, electrician, carpenter, etc. The few factories we have in America can’t hire them fast enough.

The Spanish speakers get treated like an infestation of rats. They don’t get work permits, they get exploited.

H1-B Abuse Mostly Over

The legalized slavery which was feasted on by Google, Facebook, and many of the large tech companies is mostly over. I’ve written about the Great Visa Worker Purge before. Even now, when tech companies are announcing tens of thousands of new layoffs you aren’t seeing unemployment numbers spike. Why? These are the ones they now have to pay $220+K in wages. They crossed that two year and one day threshold of experience and companies can no longer exploit them. When they are let go they cannot collect unemployment. After 60 or so days without finding a job they have to go home.

U.S. IT workers are starting to be hired in large numbers. Refugees and immigrants who have work permits and some level of programming skill are also being hired. With a paycheck comes withholding tax, rent, food, life. They quickly contribute to society.

Forced to be a Burden

Assholes like Donald Trump and Greg Abbott force the Spanish speakers crossing the border to be a burden. Hey, our immigration system is looking up at steaming pile of shit, hoping to one day be that organized and useful. Alzheimer’s Don certainly didn’t do anything to fix it while he was in office. Just made it worse! There wasn’t anything he improved during his time in office.

While we are on the subject, why hasn’t Greg Abbott been arrested for some level of manslaughter over the drowning deaths? He is most certainly responsible.

We don’t give them temporary work permits, just stuff them in a cage. Asshole Abbott ships them without any coordination to Sanctuary Cities in the winter wearing nothing but T-shirts, sandals, and shorts. These random uncoordinated drop-offs should have him also serving 10 years for Child Endangerment. Deliberately dropping a child off outside in freezing cold winter temperatures wearing nothing but a T-shirt, shorts, and sandals/sneakers definitely qualifies.

The Consumer Spending Myth

Our current robust economy and declining inflation has many economists touting Consumer Spending as the cause of such good numbers. It’s not their fault. They don’t have the numbers and they don’t look up from the numbers long enough to see what is really going on. The numbers they have measure what is spent on consumer goods. Yes, some of it is we have been buying things. The Ukrainian refugees who landed with a work permit and not much else are definitely spending their paychecks.

If The State of Texas Had Leadership It Might Amount to Something

Instead of properly managing the migrants Asshole Abbott ships them around making a spectacle of himself. Economists are measuring what is spent on “Consumer Goods.” Yes, they look at our credit card debt, but most of them on the radio cannot explain how consumers are spending so much.

Alzheimer’s Don broke the Immigration Court System because his Nazi base doesn’t like non-white people and he is against any border bill now because of his Nazi base and self. We need at least a hundred immigration judges to process the flow in a timely manner. The process also needs to include a temporary work permit once you get that immigration/asylum case filed.

Sanctuary Cities

Correctly chastised for “shelters” much like the Texas concentration camps, the cities have been churning through with charities to get housing and work permits for the busloads of people. Once they have a job they can get at least partly off the public dole. If Asshole Abbott had even half a clue he would have done this.

Here is where the “consumer spending” the economists cannot account for are coming from. These people need socks, underwear, blankets, coats, food, etc. If they are getting moved into empty apartments they also need furniture, dishes, cleaning supplies, etc. Sanctuary Cities are spending tens of millions of dollars on this stuff. It’s the “consumer spending” that gave us the soft landing. Asshole Abbott and Alzheimer’s Don aren’t bright enough to figure that out.

Businesses have even gotten on-board. The Smithe family appears to have four smoking hot daughters running things now. They’ve even got brains because they have figured this out.

Walter E. Smithe Trad In Sale

I’m sure a few other furniture stores have figured this out as well. When people get to the upper middle class or whatever, they tend to throw out otherwise perfectly functioning furniture because they want to “redecorate.” Rather than spend a few hundred dollars getting padding replaced in my father’s old electric lift recliner my mother spent well over a thousand on a new one. A perfectly functioning (and comfortable enough for me) chair went to the alley behind the furniture store. I think we spent $3500 on it when we bought it. Was the top of the line back then. Really wish it could have found a good home. None of us had room for it anywhere.

MAGA Nazi’s Aren’t New

Watch Nazi Town, USA to find out about the 1930s roots. Don’t know if it goes back further. You really need to watch that documentary with pictures of George Washington hung next to swastikas for a “Pro-American” rally. MAGA is just the latest version of this.

They’ve renamed things too! Woke == Jew in this new Nazi speak. Keep that in mind when you hear DeSantis shouting “Florida is where woke comes to die!” It should be small wonder you hear Trump quoting Hitler.

Trump quoting Hitler

How Do We Fix This?

  • Texas has to get leadership.They have absolutely none now. If they had leadership someone would have thrown Asshole Abbott’s ass in prison by now.
  • Admit that charities, churches, local organizations and governments used to ship migrants to other parts of the country and you never heard anything about it. Yes, it’s true. When they let the destination know prior to bussing and they send the people where they have support, like family, it’s not a crisis. Asshole Abbott and Alzheimer’s Don have manufactured a crisis. If they could work while awaiting their trial, they could pay taxes instead of consuming them. Just have to once again remove the assholes from the system.
  • Ship the able bodied no-family-here ones to the locations that need them. Cities with factories or slaughterhouses needing labor, corporate fruit and vegetable farms that need workers, trade union training campuses so they can become electricians, plumbers, etc. We have a housing shortage in America and a big part of the reason is that even if you have money to pay for a house, you can’t get a builder. There aren’t enough people swinging hammers to go around.
  • Admit you don’t let foreigners take away the high paying jobs like the H1-B debacle that contributed to the “mortgage crisis.” America has a large supply of shit jobs and physical labor jobs that today’s privileged kids won’t touch. We can’t all work in an air conditioned office. I’m thankful that I can and even more thankful others take jobs in slaughterhouses so I can grill a steak, pork chop, etc. The people you are trying to keep out at the border are the ones that take these jobs.
  • Realize that it is better to have them paying taxes than working for cash. That should be obvious but neither Asshole Abbott nor Alzheimer’s Don have figured it out.
  • When you have a low-skilled labor shortage it is not the time to take a hard line on immigration. Again, that should be obvious but neither Asshole Abbot nor Alzheimer’s Don have figured it out. You don’t want to work the low paying shit jobs, but they will.
  • Read Financial Lessons the Pandemic Should Have Taught You because obviously you haven’t.

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