The Humanity Bureau is a distopian story about life after global warming and nuclear power plant disasters ravage the planet. Sadly, the only way to review this movie is to give up much of its thunder. Lucky for you, it is available for free on The Roku Channel. I also stumbled into what seemed to be a Spanish language version on Tubi. At least the opening text was being spoken in Spanish.
Gist of It
The Humanity Bureau was put out in 2017. The story appears to have been heavily influenced by that piece of shit known as Donald Trump, his Nazi ties, and fount of lies. Global warming was ignored because “Big Oil” and their backers still wanted to get theirs. Despite they hadn’t made a car in 30 years, they were still driving around using gasoline.
We aren’t really told how global warming lead to the nuclear reactors exploding. We are told that the soil died, lakes dried up, and there are no longer any fish in the ocean. One can deduce that the cooling ponds for the nuclear reactors dried up and the reactors themselves went critical. There is much text and talk up front about how food production ceased as did manufacturing.
You Must Be a Productive Member of Society
We hear that phrase over and over. It is ripped right from the mouths of the darkest piles of shit in the Republican party. I say that as a Republican. The Trump Nazi’s who are trying to end food stamps, welfare, social security, and all other social safety nets. Those who want to remove the teaching of The Great Depression, Critical Race Theory, and every other topic that would educate the public on why such things are needed.
The Fount of Lies
If you are not rich and not productive you must go to New Eden. The government has created this place where all of the needs will be met for those who can no longer be a productive member of society. There are brochures and television commercials showing this place to be a paradise. One scene has Nicolas Cage walking into a motel in the unprotected part of America where everyone in the lobby of this destitute place is simply fixated on this commercial.
Yes, there are conspiracy theories. Talk of overcrowding, etc. For the destitute it makes them want it more. The staging of this movie really makes America look like an abandoned shit-hole. One place where it seemed to fall apart is the fact the roads are better in this Distopian world than any part of America today.
The Elite Decide Who is Productive
In true Trump Nazi fashion, only the elite can determine who is worthy to consume the scarce resources left in America and who must go to New Eden. We have no need for prison guards because criminals are not productive members of society and are sent to New Eden. There is no need for nursing home workers because the elderly and infirm are sent to New Eden. It doesn’t matter if you are young and healthy, if you have fallen on hard times, you are sent to New Eden.
To make this a bit less obvious to the general public, The Humanity Bureau is formed. A large government bureaucracy with software forms for agents to fill out. Numbers from other government mandated forms are physically keyed into it by the agents visiting the people. It comes up with a score. If your score is too low the agent gives you around 12 hours to gather toiletries and change of clothing. You are gathered and shipped to New Eden.
Nobody Writes
One thing that comes up over and over in this movie is the fact nobody writes. Everyone knows someone or has family that went to New Eden and promised to write. Nobody ever sends a letter. There is no Internet because the bulk of the country is without electrical power. I watched this movie with all of these clues laid out in front of me but until you get to a scene with a pallet of shrink wrapped boxes, it isn’t made plane.
The Trumpian elites stole a page from their idol’s (Adolf Hitler) playbook. New Eden is an extermination camp with six crematoriums. Over eight million people had already been sent there. The Trumpian spin was to market this as a paradise that had survived the apocalypse. The transportation and extermination is organized in such a way that only those staffing the last leg of the journey and running the camp actually know the truth.
Prior to the pile of shit known as Donald Trump getting elected, I would never have bought the story of this movie. But there, in front of God and everyone, we have conspiracy nutters believing The Big Lie, that COVID-19 isn’t real, vaccines are fake or some other nutter story. It proves that humans, by and large, are outright stupid. If you repeat a lie often enough you can get them to believe anything.
The Humanity Bureau has a reality that doesn’t hit you until the next day or a few days later. Perhaps, if you never paid attention in history class, it doesn’t it you at all. The only international laws we have governing mass exterminations are for genocide. You have to be targeting a race or religion. Successful large scale exterminations target political enemies and “the unwanted.”
For several hundred years the Catholic church engaged in wholesale slaughter with The Great Crusades and “spreading the word to the new world.” It was never classified as genocide because they slaughtered all who would not become Catholic. In fact it is still a global religion.
Stalin’s Great Purge slaughtered over 700,000 enemies and “unwanted” yet was never branded genocide. Putin has done much the same thing with political enemies over the years.
When you look at that history and the piece of shit known as Donald Trump, it really could happen.
For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.
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