Review — Iron Sky The Coming Race


If you don’t laugh your ass off at Iron Sky The Coming Race then you simply lack the IQ to enjoy it. This sequel is better than the original! Instant Cult Classic is the phrase that comes to mind. There are so many hilarious story lines going on in this movie I can scarcely decide where to begin.

Alien Story Line

Turns out Earth was invaded during the age of dinosaurs by shape shifting biped aliens that took Pterodactyls and dinosaurs with their space ship into “Hollow Earth” about the time the big asteroid hit. Yes, “Hollow Earth” is a nod to Sanctuary. These aliens had managed to create some form of “pure energy” that could prolong their lives for centuries while also powering everything they used. The vessel they stored it in was called The Holy Grail. Yep! The cup you see in this image.


Apple users are a cult in this world just like they are in reality. They worship “The Steve” and praise a closed system. The cult leader constantly monitors member devices for “jail breaks.” If he finds out a cult member has installed non-cult software he publicly admonishes them.

Haven’t we provided sufficient wallpapers? Are out ringtones not adequate? Could you not be satisfied with our calender . . . blah blah blah.

What happens to them? They get bricked! He runs the iExcommunicate app and the devices detonate turning the user into dust.

The moon base is perpetual filth yet the jobsists always dress in gleaming white.

Trump Nazis

I had to tell you about the Jobsists so you could understand just how funny it is when they get to Hollow Earth to learn that Steve Jobs was one of these aliens. Even funnier, without the Internet or the wifi of the moon base these cult members keep confusing Adolf Hitler (also an alien) with Donald Trump. Adolf even has a “Make Earth Great Again” campaign.

Of course the former president of the United States looks very much like Lauren Boebert.

Lauren Boebert

The Russian Story

After the first installment of this franchise Earth had a global nuclear war. After centuries of tweaking the modified monkeys that became humans to do what the aliens wanted, those damned Nazi’s from the moon tried to conquer, kicking off global thermal nuclear warfare. What was supposedly “the last” of the human race got the last space ship functioning and flew to the moon.

On the moon surviving humans had to cohabitate with the surviving members of the MAGA/Nazi party. In true Donald Trump all-talk-no-reality fashion the base is just a pile of non-working junk. Only one person knows how to fix anything and they aren’t ever paid. About the time she can no longer bubble gum and duct tape things together a junk heap of a ship comes to the moon from earth. Naturally it is piloted by a Russian because they are used to shit that doesn’t work. Well, them and anyone who has used Meta/Google/Microsoft/insert-Agile-software-development-company products.

The ship, it has a stowaway and that’s really where Iron Sky The Coming Race begins.

For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.

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