Review — Iron Sky

Iron Sky movie cover


I had really low expectations for Iron Sky. The over done cover just screamed “cheesy kind of movie you find on Mystery Science Theater 3000.” But, I’m a guy and they put a hot blonde in black stockings on the cover so decided to endure. I could watch it for free on Plex so all I was out was time. Glad I did. I may watch it again.

Peta Sergeant

This girl steals the show! She plays the head of a marketing/spin-doctor agency helping the President market herself. Not only does she seem to “always let the girls out” and get horning when she’s winning, she plays the role with gusto! You always have to have one of those in a cheesy movie like this. She got the best line of the entire film and I’m not going to steal her thunder by telling you what it is here. I’m going to watch some more stuff with this girl in it because she can act!

Christopher Kirby

This dude makes the film worth watching. He can act.

His character is a model flown to the moon as part of a space mission to help fund the space program or the President’s re-election, possibly both. Instead of getting pictures taken, the astronaut who flew him up there gets shot by Nazi’s from the dark side of the moon. Been there since before the end of World War II. The secret part of the mission was to find Helium-3 with some sensor tools. Why? It could provide all of earth’s energy needs when used in nuclear fusion.

Oddly enough that energy thing is true.

Iron Sky – Nazis on the dark side of the moon

You gotta love it! Here it is 2023 and we are still finding ways to poke fun at Nazis. (Too bad people elected one when the put Donald Trump in office!) You don’t see many women on this massive moon base, but there seems to be a lot of children. None of them have actually seen a black man before so one of the things they do during interrogation is inject him with some albino serum.

Seriously, you gotta watch it just for this. Make-up and special effects went to the wall for his look. They created an almost white, black Nazi and Christopher Kirby just ran with it. He was already in uniform and didn’t have a mirror before they brought him back to earth in a saucer to help them find more computers. When he tried to negotiate a vehicle with some boys from the hood, that scene is priceless.

The Tech

I don’t want to give too much away, but “their greatest computer” was something from the tube era.

Being isolated from earth they didn’t know what a cell phone was and were shocked it had over a thousand times the computing power of their “greatest computer.”

Set in 2018 (created in 2012), Iron Sky is funny. You just have to ignore glaring story line gaffs. They have multiple small saucer ships that can go back and forth to earth, but to get this great invasion war ship with its attack drones working they need around a thousand of those cell phones and other computers all working together. It’s a hilarious story line.


Had I paid $20 to see this in a theater I might have felt royally screwed. According to the budget was 7.5 million pounds. They spent at least seven million of that on green screen type special effects and backgrounds. Even the black and white parts of this movie are highly visual with lots of things in the background. Hopefully the studio is getting a cut of the ad revenue from streaming services like Plex.

I’m looking forward to finding Iron Sky: The Coming Race on a free streaming service now. Hopefully the studio re-used a lot of the special effects and background stuff to cut costs, but I see they spent 8 million pounds on the sequel. Hopefully they kept the same block of cheese!

For more movie rental ideas please see list one and list two.

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