Twenty of Two – The Infamous They – Pt. 38


Featured image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

“Honestly, I’ve never understood why so many women spit venom when they say her name” I responded.

“It’s because every time she comes on you guys stop paying attention to us. A stripper is going to leave once you stop stuffing money down her panties but Stevie keeps coming on the radio over and over again. You do realize most women who are past their hard partying days aren’t into pop or hip-hop music but we keep one preset each on the car radio for when a guy is with us. It’s either that or 24-hour news. Those are the only stations we can be certain won’t play Stevie Nicks so there is a chance the dude’s mind won’t drift off into fantasy land. I know a few girls who don’t give a shit about sports that keep a preset for a 24-hour sports station for the same reason. So tell me dammit! What is it with you dudes and Stevie Nicks? If I get nothing else out of this conversation I’m going to get that answer for women everywhere.”

“Well. It’s really simple. It’s not her cleavage which you women keep talking about. Honestly, I couldn’t tell you anything about her chest. It’s not her twirling barefoot on the stage in a long skirt, witches shall and top hat. It’s not anything physical at all. She simply is rock and roll and so few women manage to embody that for any significant length of time. You will find many guys, probably about the same group of guys, say the same thing about Melissa Etheridge and they obviously have zero chance there” I concluded.

“What do you mean she embodies rock and roll? There are a lot of female rockers. That makes no sense.”

“If it could be put into words every talent agency would be drilling it into the skulls of every person they represent. It’s like when you step outside just as the sun is coming up without having heard a weather report and you know in your soul it is going to be a great day. You do realize that ‘Rumors’ is one of the best selling albums of all time don’t you? It wasn’t only guys that bought it” I finished.

She stared at me waiting for more so I continued. “You are correct that there are a lot of women in rock & roll, but few manage to endure the grind while cranking out great stuff. Most have one or two albums with a couple of big hits then they drift off into obscurity. If you put together a band, or simply are a solo act which creates an album which sells like ‘Rumors’ did, and follow it up with some good stuff, you will be rock royalty and the peasants will worship you. It is neither right nor wrong, it simply is.”

“Why didn’t you just come out with the rock royalty explanation at the beginning?” she asked. “I can understand that.”

“Well, you could have looked her up on Wikipedia and found out the trade press dubbed her ‘The Queen of Rock’ instead of just hating her because guys showed respect. Must be that female logic again.”


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