Featured image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
Once we arrived back at Henry’s house I stated “I’ll tell the guys to haul this in. Do you have a burner phone which has never been used?”
Henry responded “if there aren’t any in that pile of gear you brought in there should be a couple in one of the kitchen drawers.”
The Acrobats went to help haul in while I rummaged for a new burner phone. This time it really would be a burner phone. It would make one phone call then have the battery removed for disposal.
“Thanks for the booze and snacks” Slim said as he set several cases down on the counter. “Mind telling us what this is all about?”
“You guys put stuff away and dig in. I need to make a phone call and clean up again.”
“He tries to think things through in the shower or writing encrypted journal entries” responded Henry. “I see one of you already found the $90 per shot Cognac.”
“I told you, Giant only drinks expensive” I said into the air as I walked out the door.
“He really keeps a journal?” Stretch asked with disbelief.
“I don’t know if he keeps it” responded Henry. “I just know he writes it. Whether it is on-line, or one of his thumb drives, it’s heavily encrypted.”
“How do you know that?” queried Stretch.
“I got bored one day” was Henry’s reply, faintly heard given my distance.
***** Journal entry 4
A word used so many ways it has no meaning. Once it was even used as the title of a television show which had no acting.
I read and hear about how Millenials avoid taking jobs because they wish to spend more time with their friends. They watched their parents devote lives to companies which off-shored their jobs and left the family struggling through The Great Recession and they choose not to do it. The economy is rigged against you so just stay poor and enjoy your friends.
In this life you have coworkers you kind of trust for as long as you are together. In this life, the person who calls you friend is most likely the person sent to kill you. In this life you call a person friend just to get close enough for a knife kill.
SUK’s only friend in this world was a stray dog he finally talked his parents into letting him keep. I used to think that was sad.
Just a few short days ago the only person I considered a friend was killed. His wife will most likely never get the body back for burial. He asked me why I never married many times. I gave him many different answers.
- Didn’t want to change icky-nasty diapers at 4am.
- Saw no reason to give up half my stuff.
- A wife would mean a mother-in-law and require me to endure family gatherings.
- Killing a divorce lawyer probably would trace back to me.
The list went on and on. There was exactly one real answer and I never told my friend that answer. This phone call. I’m certain I have been the reason behind thousands of such phone calls, but, none of them has ever been about me or someone close to me.
Now I must do the thing I spent decades avoiding.
***** End journal entry 4
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