Aryan Supremacy parties were nothing new in Germany, though most phrased it as German Supremacy. Hitler didn’t invent the Nazi Party, he simply co-opted the core beliefs from the other parties so each found it easy to support him. Yes, they had members with egos, but none of them insane enough to preach their values to thousands in a public square like an Evangelical preacher in a revival tent. First came the spectacle, then came the following. Many went along simply for the entertainment value.
The world thought it was punishing Germany after World War I. The Treaty of Versailles left a broken, bankrupt, and bitter German people. Rebuilding the country was out of the question. Each day was a choice between feeding the children and paying down the debt. Each day was the grinding of a boot heel on the back of the neck. In truth, the world would have done better to divide Germany among the border countries and leave the Germans without a home of their own. It would have sped up reconstruction and left the Germans without a Fatherland to fight for.
No, the victors, smug in their own glory and self- righteousness, sought to humiliate a people rather than solve a problem. The world didn’t know it, but the Cold War between Russia and the United States after World War II had probably been the best thing for all. A divided and isolated Germany, controlled by two superpowers who seemingly hated each other (at least publicly) kept the people under control and focused on something else. Thus they were kept from becoming a problem again.
A few years later the Allied powers (mostly the U.S. And mostly due to what Germany had done) decided it was time for the Jews to have a home of their own again. In 1948 Israel became an internationally recognized country. Few things could piss off the Islamic hardliners more. The Nazis killed Jews because Hitler hated his mother. He had to publish that blue-eyed, blond definition to narrow the focus of Aryan Supremacy since most of the Jews were pretty much white. The Islamic extremists kill Jews because they are Jews. Whereas the German soldiers doing the slaughter had to be fed propaganda and a big drink of the Nazi Kool-Aid, Islamic extremists seemed to just be born. Hans had heard tapes of services from every mosque surrounding the headquarters. You couldn’t grow up here, be religious, and not hate Jews as soon as you were old enough to speak a sentence. Because the Americans were the biggest supporters of Israel, you had to hate them as well.
Education really was the answer, but you couldn’t have education in any of these countries without the Quran. Germans didn’t hate Americans simply because they were American. There were still some hard feelings over them being the last monkey on the pile forcing them down twice, but that was to be expected. The citizens of either country, able to obtain passports, could and would travel in the other country without strapping on dynamite and detonating themselves in a crowded place. Here, the primary education was that of centuries-old hatred.
Hans could fight these people because he understood them and because doing so was in line with his party’s beliefs. His party had dropped the “blue-eyed, blond” restriction from the Aryan definition. While those would always hold higher rank, the other whites wouldn’t be systematically exterminated. They knew enough about genetics to know that you simply cannot stop recessive traits from surfacing unless you are going to test and abort fetuses, something currently happening in India and possibly China, just to get a son.
What Hans saw in these people was the Nazi Party before World War II. It was led by a madman who hated his past and was trying to eliminate it from history. In this case, bin Laden, trying to hide the fact he had taken money from and fought for the Americans in one war and that his father had funded the first three companies of a man who became president. That same man was now supposed to send people to kill him.
Adolf would not get undressed for physical examinations and would not allow anyone to give him an injection, yet injections could have cured him of the disease most prominently causing his madness. Bin Laden has a disease which requires a special form of dialysis and other medical treatments. Everyone knew that bad things left in your blood would either kill you or make you go mad.
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