Interesting Authors Blog

Thoughts and words from some interesting authors
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Author: Roland Hughes

The Software I Miss the Most

It was with a heavy sigh that I read this post. Lotus Smart Suite was and still is the best office suite ever created. I’ve used just about everything during my 30+ year IT career. This package was so far…

Show Don’t Tell

You’ve all heard that trope before. Many, many times before. Yes, it’s a trope. It’s a glad handed politician that will forget you exist as soon as they get elected. Like all tropes, it has a place, just not the…

Get the Tech Right

It’s amazing just how dated something appears when it gets the tech wrong. This is a massive problem for movies and a significant problem for writers of all types. Coming from an IT background I notice these things pronto. So…

Control Your First Impression

Most authors are stupid. It’s not something we wish to hear, but it is true. Oh, we may have the story to end all stories inside of us and may well have written it. A token few of us may…

The Order of Property Creation

We used to hear this all of the time “The book was so much better than the movie,” but we don’t hear that much anymore. The standard path forward from book to movie has been drastically altered. I became even…

Get the Format Right!

Since some of my compatriots on here have been talking about reviews, and I’ve been posting some thoughts on DVDs, I thought I should point out the one thing which almost certainly ensures an “empty the colon” review. The wrong…

How Much is Too Much?

Over the decades we have had books which pushed the dark boundaries. I’m not talking about satanic or twisted sexual rituals, I’m talking about the dark arts of taking human life and exposing corruption. Unless you are only going to…