Thanks to the Great American Tax Fraud

Paul Ryan imageIn a few short weeks it will be November and the beginning of the sign up period for health insurance. That’s when you will get your first real proof of just how bad Paul Ryan and the Republicans screwed you. Had they not passed The Great American Tax Fraud Bill (pitched as a tax cut for the working class but nothing more than a tax cut for the wealthy paid for by robbing the poor) your Obama Care premiums would have went down 4%. Thanks to Paul Ryan and the Republicans, they are going up at least 4%.

Now would be a good time to go back and read again just how they forced that through. Remember the mega million dollar bribes to Senator Corker and President Trump? These are bribes that keep on bribing, paid for with your tax dollars.

Let us not forget the worst part of this criminal fraud. In a printed piece of fraud marketed as a “Tax Reform Bill” they did absolutely nothing about PACs and Super PACs. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to do something every tax payer would love and politicians (who aren’t really Americans, just out for themselves, not actually trying to help the country) lie to us about. They will look you in the eye and say they wish the PACs and Super PACs would all go away, but, it’s a lie. They just want everybody else’s money to dry up while theirs keeps flowing in.

The one line most all of them promised to get in there when running for office slipped their minds when they were putting pen to paper on that shining example of criminal fraud.

The 527-organization wasn’t even touched, let alone eliminated.

So, this tax cut for the wealthy, paid for by thieving from those who could least afford it will screw you well before you file taxes this year. For the very first time ACA premiums were set to go down, but then idiots Trump and Ryan let young healthy people buy cheaper (worthless) policies outside of the ACA pool AND they got rid of the fine for not having insurance. They went right back to screwing the hospitals and the communities they serve.

It’s a good thing you aren’t running again Mr. Ryan, because there is no way you would get re-elected this year. Not once your constituents find out just how bad you screwed them on health insurance. They will be walking even funnier once they go to actually file taxes this year as well. That’s when they will find out your tax fraud bill wasn’t designed to help them the least little bit.

I’m sure one of the companies you pork barreled/protected in that tax fraud bill already has a nice cushy job waiting for you. Hell, you gave a big enough bribe to Corker he can probably hire you from that money and not even miss it!


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