#MeToo Horny

#MeTooHorny image
Syphilis Willie too horny

Maybe, just maybe the Democrats are finally starting to wake up and smell the fresh brewed tea? Maybe. It’s sad in a way. I really like James Patterson. While I’ve not read much of his stuff, he is an author role model. His fight against Amazon. His use of the same bundled marketing services available to any beginning author with a bit of room on their credit card. It’s sad that he got duped into writing a book with Bill Clinton titled “The President is Missing.” Given the current factual environment the book would have been better off titled “The President is a Rapist.”

I’m pretty certain I’ve written about Monica Lewinsky before. There might be some timey-whimey thing where I’ve written it, but due to scheduling it will appear many months from now, I didn’t go digging. The point is, we all, in one way or another, participated in the ruining of her life, none more so than Bill Clinton.

To understand just how much influence he had over this young gullible girl one only has to look at the known history to the point we all found out about their affair. There was the rape of Jaunita Broaddrick which was tamped down via power and slut shaming. There was also the Gennifer Flowers trial going on. Even with all of that as public knowledge, she was star struck enough to have an affair with Bill Clinton.

What is really damning for society is the vast quantity of people who were all too eager to jump to the side of Bill Clinton while simultaneously throwing Monica under the bus. I remember seeing part of a Bill Maher skit where he was making jokes about how the President didn’t get one of the good ones, just the short dumpy brunette. There the the Democrats elected to office who committed treason by not throwing Clinton out of office for perjury. There were countless celebrities and ordinary people who honed their verbal knives with “Oral Office” and “cigar” jokes, robbing the woman of that which we call life. The fact she is still on the sunny side of the daisies speaks volumes about her character and fortitude.

Then we have the infamous blue dress. Oh how I heard women sharpening their claws over that. Part of me always wondered if it was a fit of jealousy that she, who they believed to be less than themselves, was able to shag the pretty boy they all fantasized about and then saved the evidence. Not one of the ones I heard openly voiced the possibility that Monica realized what a true piece of shit Bill Clinton was. A man who did nothing to deter her belief she would be the next Mrs. Clinton while she was young and gullible enough to believe a President could get divorced and remarry while in office. No, dear reader, she saved the blue dress because, at least subconsciously, she realized Bill Clinton was just using her as a cum dump and that nobody would ever believe her without the undeniable proof that dress contained.

It’s time for the Democrats to take a long hard look in the mirror and come to terms with their own Harvey Weinstein. Just because he was powerful and they somehow liked him doesn’t mean he should escape prosecution by the #MeToo movement. There can never be a closing of the divide between Democrats and the rest of America, perhaps the world, until this happens. It must wind its way through the court system in a post-Bill Cosby era where attempting character assassination of the witness no longer sways a jury. We as a species have finally evolved from that age old saying “out of the mouths of babes” to realize that anyone, no matter how horrible their past, can have a good idea or piece of the truth at a time when it is sorely needed. The information must be weighed on its own merits, divorced from the messenger.

Bill Clinton must stand trial for his past before there can be any hope of closing the divide between Democrats and the rest of the human race. Given he is now a long way from 25, they cannot put it off much longer. If he is allowed to live out his life in luxury without ever having to face this, the divide will never close and the Democrats will perpetually shrink. Only the religious terrorists in the Republican party don’t support a women’s right to choose and they are shrinking in number. Many other smaller parties and independents also have the same stand.

You have a leper at the center of your tight little criminal group. Criminals who blatantly rigged their primary for the wife of said leper while collecting money claiming to be impartial until the primary was over. It’s time to deal with your guilt in a court of law, before a jury, not via a back room deal with another criminal.

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