Betsy Devos Likes Criminal Fraud

Betsy DevosHers is certainly not a household name, unless your household happens to be one of the millions scammed by for-profit “institutions” which exist solely to funnel student loans and government grants directly into the owners pockets. Now she has rescinded the Obama-era rule which was designed to protect parents and the Federal government from the likes of DeVry, Keller, insert-for-profit-scam-here.

She rolls this rule back just in time for another set of high school graduates to have their parents raped by for-profit scams only to graduate with massive student debt and no job prospects. Most of the IT shops I know of won’t bother looking at a DeVry resume because it is a shit school where one in ten thousand plus students is worth hiring.

Oh, and speaking of those “employed in their field” numbers put out by DeVry. They are a complete scam. I should know, I was scammed by that school. I was counted as “employed in their field” stats even though I had a job in computer operations before I attended and still had that job upon graduation. DeVry did nothing for me in the job market. Thankfully I attended other schools as well so I did eventually make it into software development.

Yeah, Betsy Devos likes criminal fraud. I wonder just how much the current owners of DeVry and Keller donated to the Trump campaign?

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