Featured image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
“Every day they try to tell the media there is no war on the middle class” Melony continued gaining speed. “Well mister, I live on the front line of that war. This is the bluest blue collar part of the country you could ever find. Every other person used to be a union worker here. Not any more. Republican’s saw to the slaughter of the union. Before you attempt to correct me, yes, slaughter is the right term. It’s a war on the middle class and they mowed down unarmed opponents.”
“The neighbors behind me. The ones watching my kids tonight. They are black. She works with me in the nursing home. Her husband used to be a union worker in that factory, now he is a plumber, but work is spotty. They voted for Trump.” After pausing for a breath and to look me sternly in the eye she pointed another direction and continued picking up speed. “The house beside me is empty, but the next one over has a Mexican couple. I neither know nor care about their status. He’s now struggling to become an electrician after the factory shut down. She works at the grocery store. They both voted for Trump.”
“Pundits and talking heads appear on camera postulating all kinds of theories about why Trump won” she continued. “They say everything but the truth. He promised to not wipe us out and Hillary was in office while the carnage happened.”
“You think I live in a trailer park don’t you?” Melony asked. “Come on! You’ve been judging me all night. It might have been dark, but you were observing everything and trying to not get caught at it. You judged my trailer park attire and you judged this place to be a trailer park without knowing anything about it didn’t you?”
“In my defense, we did pass three trailers sitting on cement blocks and gravel getting here” I responded.
“Those are gifts from the other puddles of shit, the Jamie Dimons of Wall Street. The ones who deliberately committed financial fraud then bribed Hillary Clinton to keep prison time off the table. They paid the bribe via ‘speaking fees’ after enough time elapsed to avoid people making the connection.” Melony rattled on. “This was a really nice working class housing park. They were manufactured, prefab houses to be sure, but nothing sitting on gravel and cement blocks. Actual homes. Some anchored to a floating pad, others, like mine, with a full basement.”
“The community center has an outdoor pool with kiddie pool, shuffle board and a big indoor activities area. It was for young couples just starting out, most of whom worked at that factory, and retired people who enjoyed being around kids and having something to do every day. There was always something going on at the community center. Euchre tournaments, craft activities you could even shoot some hoops indoors. All without having to drive anywhere” Melony said, sounding like she was winding down.
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