Trump’s Sad Sad Rallies

Trump Rally courtesy Jim Watson

Trump Rally courtesy Jim Watson

Chickens are finally coming home to roost for Donald Trump. Only the most gullible bother to attend his rallies or read anything he posts on Truth (Fraud) Social. With Biden out of the race both voters and the press are now paying closer attention to Trump’s long pauses. Medical professionals are starting to point out Trump’s cognitive decline in print. He thinks he gives a great interview because he never shuts up, but he jumps incoherently between unconnected topics.

People could ignore the mental state of Trump when the focus was on Biden’s age and senility. With Biden out of the race a growing segment of the population is coming to the realization he is Alzheimer’s Don.

Honestly, Americans should watch Elvis for free on Tubi (or wherever it is now) and pay attention to “The Snow Man” played by Tom Hanks. I thought of Trump every time he was on screen. Just a carnival barker with a deep dark past.

Putin’s Tools and September 18, 2024

Vladimir Putin’s tools, Fox News and those who appear on it, are desperately trying to soften the sentence for Putin’s deepest mole. For those who don’t keep up with any news.

After a six-week trial, Trump was convicted in May in a New York state court on 34 counts of falsifying business records. Prosecutors contended that Trump sought to hide a $130,000 payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election, made in exchange for her silence about an alleged sexual
encounter with Trump in 2006

Newsweek ran basically a transcript of Putin’s tools fretting over the upcoming September 18, 2024 sentencing. I loved this line of the exchange.

He has the power to actually order Donald Trump sent to jail immediately

Then they spent a lot of time trying to tell the judge and the public why he shouldn’t do that. They completely gloss over the numerous times Trump defied the gag order and was fined. Finally he was threatened with jail time. Even after the conviction Trump has tried to violate the gag order.

Now is the time for the judge to put him in jail. All of Putin’s tools realize this is going to happen, that’s why they are out in front of it spinning, but the voters read the writing on the wall. Even his biggest NAZI supporters stopped attending his rallies.

Empty Seats at Trump Rally

This is now common at Trump rallies.

Forbes has shown it at Tulsa


You can find images and video for the train wreck Georgia rally.

The bottom line is this.

A senile old racist isn’t cool.

While the nation was focused on Biden getting lost in the front yard of the White House or misplacing the nuclear launch codes, Trump’s Alzheimer’s/Dementia/Senility could be overlooked due to bigger headlines. It can’t anymore. Yes, many people have policy differences with Kamala Harris, that’s how the system works. We don’t have to worry about her cracking open the nuclear launch codes in an unhinged fit of rage. With Trump we do.

The bulk of America now believes Trump wears these

We just have to get Kamala Harris to stop wearing these

Because the Hillary Clinton polyester pant suit is not a power image. She needs to steal some pages from the Nikki Haley style guide.

Honestly, when we see a woman always in pants suits most of our minds jump to #NeverHillary

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