Google May be Hazardous to Your Health

Google crane accident
Google crane accident

People used to laugh when I said Google was the for-profit wing of the NSA. They don’t laugh so much anymore now that it is becoming obvious even to people who live under rocks just how much data Google collects on everyone. The NSA has to get a FISA warrant. Google doesn’t bother. Now there is a new reason to fear Google coming to a city near you.

Just wait until Google powers your driverless car recording every conversation, every destination and time. Perhaps they will even have air sensors so criminals can know when you are drunk and an easy mark.

You gotta wonder just how many people message their heroin dealer from an Android phone then shoot up with Alexa listening.

“Alexa, where’s my heroin?”

“Alexa, where’s the cheapest place to buy Opiods?”

Think it is funny? Both Alexa and FitBit can testify against you in court. It won’t be long before your Idiot Phone falls under that rule as well. Next it will be your car with all that voice activated technology and really cheap Terabytes of storage.


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