Area 51 Misses You

Extraterrestrial Highway imageI really don’t know where these bombshell announcements happen. While you won’t see this until June, it is February and I just stumbled onto this article. I made the mistake of opening up Bing and fell for the click-bate.

One, how is this a “bombshell announcement?” I mean the government has funded such investigations through various departments for years. I mean Project Blue Book even had a television series made about it. Granted the television series was all about telling the general public UFOs didn’t exist, but still. It outed Project Blue Book, presumably with the blessing of the DOD.

For many years Geeks have been participating in the Seti project. While it is not directly a government entity, much of the data comes from listening equipment various governments have at least partially funded.

I get it. Las Vegas ain’t what it used to be. The X-Files went off the air years ago and the state is looking to make a buck on tourism. But seriously? “Bombshell announcement?” And it was only $22 million. That’s not enough to cover the average lobbyist bar bill.

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