The Fake Fall of Rome by Moose – History / Nonfiction

History / Non-Fiction

Date Published: February 2, 2023


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This text contains material that you cannot unread. Your thinking process
will be permanently altered. Consider yourself warned. This text will
release you from the Matrix and there is no way to get back inside. This is
your final warning – DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!

In 1946, a massive cache of ancient manuscripts were found in caves near
the dead sea. These became known as the “Dead Sea Scrolls”. I
have studied various forms of this material for the past 15 years. I have
examined historical documents, religious texts as well as countless
historical facts. These texts have led me to a number of obvious
realizations. There are texts known as forbidden knowledge in most cultures.
Most have been burned. If you explore them, you will find that they all lead
to extraterrestrial origins.

Recent research has revealed that humans are composed of between 1% and 4%
of the Neanderthal’s DNA. The part that was not mentioned was that
there are humans with 0% Neanderthal DNA in them. This is the Roman race.
(The other 96%)

These “pureblood” humanoids are the off-worlders who came to
Earth and created earthling humans through genetic manipulation. The Romans
mixed their DNA with Neanderthals to create a race of workers to satisfy
their labor needs.

In anthropological circles, they would be called “the missing
link”. You can find them in our historical records as “Ancient
Romans and Greeks”. They appeared out of nowhere, enacted biblical
scale changes to humanity, and then disappeared as mysteriously as they

Thoughtfully and critically consider the facts, they actually make far more
logical sense than the stories you have been indoctrinated to believe.

History is written and rewritten by the victor. The Romans have erased and
revised history to suit their agenda. They continue this practice even today
as books and monuments are removed. Free discourse is censored and self
anointed ultra biased fact checkers have appeared on the scene to employ
psychological warfare upon the masses. Political foes are imprisoned. The
Inclusive Bible is the latest Bible translation where the writers have
removed male pronouns and sexism.

Facts should remain facts and not subject to subverting by whoever is in
power at the time. A fact never changes. Religion and history are not
subjects to be modified and rewritten at the whims of a new leader.

The ancient cuneiform tablets have clearly detailed that an
extraterrestrial lifeform came to Earth and genetically modified the
Neanderthals to produce the human race. They made themselves known to us as
Gods. Since they were our creators, it is a fair assertion. (Our Father who
art in heaven. God created man in his own image – sound familiar?)

Ancient Rome is EXACTLY what it looks like when a highly advanced
space-faring race frontiers a new planet. The Roman race brought all of the
various disciplines of a complex civilization with them. They did not invent
anything (except humans).

Read The Fake Fall of Rome to have at least 20 more eye popping eureka
moments. This is the real deal of how it all unfolded..


About the Author

In 1946, a massive cache of ancient manuscripts were found in caves near
the dead sea. These became known as the “Dead Sea Scrolls”. I
have studied various forms of this material for the past 15 years. I have
examined historical documents, religious texts as well as countless
historical facts. These texts have led me to a number of obvious
realizations. There are texts known as forbidden knowledge in most cultures.
Most have been burned. If you explore them, you will find that they all lead
to extraterrestrial origins.



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