Twenty of Two – The Infamous They – Pt. 53


Featured image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

My organization doesn’t usually accept “rush jobs.” We like to build our own dossier and that means the little geeks have to have time to locate the person’s physician to hack into their medical records. Sometimes they will even rent out nurses via a temp agency because a nurse has to know what a patient is taking. Then it is just a matter of identifying the fatal drug interactions (if any.) The amount of herbal, natural and other over-the-counter stuff which can be fatally mixed with prescription drugs grows with every new product released.

No. The assassination business isn’t the bullets, blades and bombs of Hollywood these days. It’s science. I don’t remember what food number eight is used in, I just know you cannot drink orange juice within four hours or you double over displaying signs of a burst ulcer. By the time a hospital figures out that is not the case, you are done. I used to really like orange juice.

Rules govern your behavior in this business. Unwritten rules keep you alive. Here are the two most important:

  • Never eat a meal cooked by a co-worker.

  • Never let your handler take you to lunch.

I’ve never been good at following those rules which is why I now have such a limited menu. Actually, I never believed the list of foods each “spice” was good for so I err on the side of paranoia. Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean I’m wrong. I know I’ve eaten the cod fish. I’m just not certain about anything else. Every chef has their secrets.

What I hate about driving isn’t the traffic or the assholes I’m not allowed to shoot, it’s the time it gives me to think about these things and create these journal entries. Don’t ask how I manage to do this while driving because I’m not telling. If my employers ever found out I started keeping a journal they would retire me in a second.

This job is all about providing the appropriate reward to entice the desired behavior. It’s also about rules. We are never supposed to rent a vehicle. That’s always supposed to be done via a paper shell company. My message said to call a number. When I called that number I was told to rent a car and given an address some four hours away. They sent the address again as a message. Another no no. The excuse was a debriefing and new phone. I just got this phone before the last job and it wasn’t a burner. It was a secure company phone. Yes, I already took out the MicroSD card containing all of my music. Now I just have to find a place along the way to stash all of my gear.

***** end of journal entry 3

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