Dream Recorder – Pt. 19

Dream Recorder

Featured image by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay

“Oh, but you can. You don’t listen to the news do you?” questioned Janet.

“Why? It’s all fiction” answered Gina.

“Exactly! Every well funded agenda pusher now owns in spirit if not name a media company. Gun control backers own media companies which endlessly run stories about mass shootings immortalizing the shooters. Social media is nothing but a fountain of fake news. Journalism is dead. It’s all just advertising now” stated Gina.

“How does that help us?” asked Bobby.

“Thinking people don’t believe what they hear or read anymore because none of it is the whole truth or even the biggest part of the truth” answered Janet. “They all dream though. Most of them are big enough idiots to own an idiot phone. You just have to reach them before they die off walking out into traffic while staring at their idiot phone or texting while driving.”

“I still am not seeing where you are headed” Bobby stated.

“You have all of the dreams or at least enough of them. You can mine and categorize them today. At some point soon you will be able to get more information about the content. What it is people really want. Not what the pollsters and political consultants say they want, but what they really want. Enough to slate a platform perfectly appealing to 70% of the registered voters. Set up one of those Super PAC things where donors don’t have to be reported. Identify a third party fringe candidate which doesn’t have a prayer but is stable without too many ludicrous thoughts or dead bodies to turn up. Have a front reach out to said person. Tell them if they adopt this platform, staying on it without spouting any of their wild and bizarre ideas you can get them elected as long as you get 100% of their advertising budget.”

“Won’t people wonder how someone without a media presence got elected?” asked Gina.

“Oh, you will set up a Web site and have a few social media posters. Maybe it will be a really great interactive site, doesn’t matter. Just enough to make it look legit. In the meantime you continually plant the thought, night and day vote for Willy because of the platform. When the voters are polled after voting they will all answer what they believe, because of the platform.”

“So we get an unknown elected to some office, how is that any good?” asked Bobby.

“Not just some office” countered Gina. “She means the White House. A debtor sitting in the oval office. One who didn’t get there via planting fake news stories or with the backing of any media company. One who didn’t hold many rallies and didn’t even show up in the polls regurgitated by all of those talking heads, at least not in any significant way until too many people had already made up their minds.”

“That means we will have to leave something in the apps to pull message updates” stated Bobby. “We would be competing against the company we sell while agreeing to a non-compete clause.”

“Easy enough” stated Gina. “We don’t even have to leave it behind. Now that I think of it we shouldn’t. At least we shouldn’t hide it in an app other than the dream app. As part of its periodic update process it can pull a new list of messages. If push comes to shove we can fund a tiny start-up. Every 12 year old boy with a computer is writing idiot phone apps now. A paper shell buys 50 apps, then codes them correctly, yeah, doable.”

“So, you elect a president. Are you planning on running the country because I still don’t see how that gets to where this conversation started” said Bobby in an exasperated tone.

“The murky biological entities fronting that marketing company approach a business, politician or even some other advertising company. They have a simple pitch” answered Gina.

“Which is?”

We will never tell you how we do it so do not ask. We will only tell you we got him elected and everybody thinks it was their choice. For the right fee we can do the same for you.

“Won’t word get out about this ominous promise?” asked Bobby.

“You forget brother dear. We will be able to see their dreams before the offer is made. They will be so far over a barrel they will pay anything and keep our names out of it. An advertising agency will be the best target. There are hundreds of thousands of them. They spin up, land a few big clients, then die when the business dries up. They would be all too happy to front this service. They will put together some of their own worthless marketing and take all of the credit while paying us the bulk of the money. We can even make sure their jingle catches on.”

“Well, this is all pie in the sky really” stated Bobby as he poured more wine.

“More like a pie waiting to be assembled and baked” answered Gina. “I’ve broken off contact with my team in Bulgaria until this company is sold, but last we spoke, they had enough in place to do this. They cannot script dreams, but there are half a dozen methods of inserting things into dreams. Short things like vote for Willy because of the platform could be inserted . . . and retained. The most effective method is a low tech solution.”

“Low tech?” queried Janet.

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