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“Not to mention city water and sewer” continued Gina. “One just has to get used to snow. One also has to realize that the peer review people can live anywhere. So can the Web developers. Just have to have a few dozen high caliber people locally to keep things organized and running smoothly. We start off with a few hundred customers, some of them universities even if the paper shells have to fund their subscriptions via donations. The following month the paper shells create hundreds more subscriptions and pay for several thousand patent searches. We charge three thousand dollars for the patent searches with staff assistance. Once the reporting services start listing us as north of five thousand subscribers drug companies large and small will be joining in. Half of them will be submitting research for peer review and publication. We could even bring mom in. She could advise us on the entire peer review process and tap some of her colleagues to ride rough-shod over the recent PhD. graduates we hire on the cheap.”
“While all of that is going on dear brother, we build you another lab. Other than investing and providing a bit of technical support, you don’t need to be there. You can stay out here tinkering away in this foreign country which will one day slide into the ocean.”
“You really hate California that much?” asked Bobby.
“Everybody hates California that much dear brother. Everybody who doesn’t feel like rocking a bikini 24×7 that is. You heard mom at supper. Maybe you didn’t. You always ignored that, thankfully. Life might have gotten weird if you thought your sister was sexy. I’m not gay. Never been with a woman nor have I thought about it. I’m just not trying to bag a man or get laid every day. When I wear a skirt and heels guys are checking out my legs all day and then they try to hit on me. I’ve got buckets of money and can pay for better sex than they could ever provide. Some day it might be appealing to be a sex object and to pursue hearth and home fantasies, just not today. Thanks to your premarital exploits and the Internet I know more than enough to keep a man happy at home, that just isn’t my focus now, nor is being a cum receptacle . . . No offense matriach”
“None taken. I went the other way. After the baby factory pumps out a few kids I may be coming to you for advice on keeping thin and staying in shape. I’ve never had to work at it before, but all the pregnancy books tell me that is coming. Please continue on your prior thought.”
“Oh yes, the lab. Sorry for the detour” continued Gina. “You dear brother, keep doing what you do. Actually change what you do.”
“Change?” asked Bobby.
“You’ve always had an extreme tech focus. While some of that may be good, it is not what we really need now, unless you can come up with something which is cheaper and at least five times faster than USB 3. What your wife has so brilliantly come up with is the first phase. The second phase is products you design and we license off through this new company to either a legitimate company or one of our shells. A better vacuum, blender, whatever. Whoever buys it pays the company a royalty on each unit sold. Within three years of this company being launched we have more than enough free cash to build the data center I need on the property I own. We can even start building it after the first year of the company being live. We can either have some trusted person on the peer review staff or the site itself notify me of research pertaining to my interests. You really did choose right when you married her brother.”
“Speaking of choices” began Janet, “How dark of a choice are you willing to make?”
“That sounds ominous” replied Gina. “What exactly is troubling your mind sister?” There was a long pause. To the outsider it would have appeared Janet was having trouble finding the worlds. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Both women realized this was the first time Gina ever called her sister. Janet got a bit misty.
Bobby, well, he was proving man is born with two heads but only enough blood to operate one at a time. “We’re waiting on you wife. Did you forget about our conversation?”
“Yes, for a minute I did. Let me go check on mom and bring you both back another bottle of wine while I top off my tea. This conversation could take a while.”
After Janet had disappeared into the house Gina muttered “I wonder what is eating your wife?”
“Ordinarily that is me” replied Bobby without thinking or considering context.
“Even married you’re still a pig!” spat Gina.
“No where near what I used to be and I didn’t mean it in that way. No dear sister, in that regard I’ve lived out every fantasy. Thankfully you helped me check off a guy’s biggest bucket list item with that very special birthday present. You had no idea and probably still have no idea just how large the bang a cheerleader item is for straight guys. Most go to their graves without ever coming close. Unbelievably lucky dudes get to check all three boxes there. High school, college and pro football. I didn’t go to college, but I did check all three boxes.”
“Bobby” interrupted Gina. “That’s really too much information.”
“You’re the one who took what I said the wrong way” Bobby defended. “I figured I might as well use the opportunity to tell you the truth. While there might be some bright shiny object in the future which captures my attention, actually straying is not going to happen. I have checked every box on that list, many of them more than once. There is nothing left of interest for me out there.”
Janet returned with a new bottle and a pitcher of tea for herself. “Mom is sleeping like a log” she stated. “It’s safe to talk for a while.”
“Just a while?” queried Gina.
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