Twenty of Two – The Infamous They – Pt. 39


Featured image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

“Ouch! Well it’s true! Women will gang up on another woman because ‘their man’ pays attention to her and make assumptions about why without ever trying to find out the real reason” I stated rubbing the hand print on my chest.

“If your reason is true then what about Heart?” she asked.

“Heart is the band where all the stars in the sky spelled out ‘The Universe Will Screw You’ and formed a big arrow pointing directly to where they were standing at the moment the band was formed” I explained. “They had raw talent and were gifted in song writing, but they had the worst management and even worse timing” I continued. “When they had a tour to support their chart topping 80’s tunes someone book John Cougar Melloncamp, or maybe he was just John Cougar then as the opening act. This booking happened before his debut album took off like a rocket. Stadiums were packed, but as soon as JCM finished, over half the stadium left. It had to be demoralizing. There was just too much great stuff coming out at the time. As far as I know they were still touring in 2016 and now that so little good stuff comes out, at least so little stuff like theirs, they are gaining new fans.”

“To more directly answer your question” I continued. “Yes, they are rock and roll, but, at the peak of MTV, far too much stuff was competing for attention and they just didn’t get the respect they deserved.”

“But Stevie got the respect?” she questioned.

“’Rumors’ came out before MTV and it is hard to argue with album sales like that. We didn’t get a lot of deep songs back when MTV actually played music videos. Mostly someone came up with an idea for an awesome video and someone wrote a song around it” I stated.

“Hmmm. So you are saying to get a guy like you who isn’t you I have to flash a lot of leg, cover up my top and somehow make him respect me” Melony summarized.

“In my younger days a great set of legs in black stockings and heels could max out all my credit cards and leave me naked for dead in the park, I would hold no grudge” I acknowledged. “A lot of women have already figured that out. Why do you think there are so many styles of black stockings for sale?”

“I assumed it was because black goes with everything” she stated.

“Nah. Black is the best way to bait the hook, as long as it isn’t tights. That’s like pulling the dipstick on a used car and finding fresh oil. No way to tell what they are trying to hide.”

“Since we are back on the topic, what else do I need to do?” Melony asked.

“Well, you’ve certainly got the sex aspect all taken care of. In truth you might need to tone it down if your intended target isn’t as young as you” I offered.

She laughed at that and stated “You didn’t die in the saddle grampa.”

“It was touch and go for a while” I confessed. Her smile went to her eyes as she laid her head back down on my chest looking up at me. Damn! That arm had just gotten back to normal.

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