Will Trump Ever Drag His Beer Gut in From the Golf Course Long Enough to be President?

Trump Beer GutHe says he doesn’t drink but, man, that looks like a body built by Budweiser.

Seriously, he has to be the most absentee president we’ve ever had. I mean, after all of the shit he flung about Obama playing golf! I realize he’s just trying to spread around the government money to his failing businesses, but come on, enough is enough.

While you are at it, stay the f*ck off of Twitter! We don’t need to see the Two Year Old you turn into when alone in the bathroom. And quit watching so much television. You were hired to do a job which requires you to be ready 24x7x365 for 4 years. Don’t be thinking about the next term, we are all still waiting to get that first day of actual work out of you.



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