It’s Called an Imbecile Phone for a Reason


Photo by Tomasz Kulesa on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

I have railed against the imbecile phone and all its knock-offs for years now. You cannot make this completely insecure device, secure. I have even begged Biden to ban iPhone use inside any government facility and by any federally elected official. Still we have imbeciles saying “Oh!…ahhh ahh ahh I need mine. I don’t have nuclear launch codes.”

No you imbecile!

This isn’t the only company making surveillance software for imbecile phones. I’ve already told you about Pegasus.

Can’t Fix This by Banning the Companies

The latest Biden administration “fix” of banning doing business with the known manufacturers of the software. You have to ban the devices themselves. They are the targets and the high risk presence. Eliminate the presence. For the truly thick in the reading audience let me explain it more clearly.

Your phone is putting national security at risk.

  • You have a job.
  • Like a dumb-ass you take your imbecile phone into work. Same one where you open up text messages from people you don’t know and click on links in email from strangers, all without any form of virus scanner . . . not that one would do much good on such a device.
  • Your phone has Bluetooth and to “save battery” or “save your data plan” you connect to the wifi at work.
  • Boom! Ransomware installed!

It’s illegal to sell/use street drugs like Cocaine, Fentanyl, etc. in America. Anyone involved in that can go to jail. We still have Narco Subs bringing up to 90 ton at a time into America.

image courtesy of BBC

Anyone who thinks making something illegal that makes money will fix a problem needs to read about Prohibition in the United States. You have to eliminate the market because supply side tactics only jack up prices.

Shout Out!

Author friend and fellow Interesting Authors writer Gregory Lamb published A Dangerous Element in 2014. (Feels like a lot longer ago now.) He says he didn’t use any classified information . . . but he used to fly spy planes so . . . It’s a very convincing tale about how Stuxnet got deployed via a “smart watch.”

Each and every one of you is holding in your hand the latest and greatest ransomware deployment tool.

Where You Work Matters

You scrub toilets at a hospital, you matter. Leave your imbecile phone in the car. Cyber attack shut down a Children’s hospital in Chicago for a week or more. Change Healthcare, a company nobody heard of until last week, got hit with a cyber attack and it has jacked up pharmacies and hospitals across the country because, turns out to be a critical supplier of them.

Let us not forget Target hack done via HVAC service company with access to the billing/payment system. The days of hackers being happy with just locking down your phone are over. Your imbecile phone is their best tool for corporate espionage, government spying, and ransomware deployment.

Want to Know What a Secure Phone Looks Like

Nokia 225 4G

It has no wifi. Sadly it does allow texting, but it has zero Internet capability so it cannot infect anything else. You just make/receive phone calls. You can find more at

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