The Democrats’ Problem With Perjury

perjury image

Perjury keeps coming around Washington.

Featured image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay

Nancy Pelosi imageYou can’t avoid it. Turn on the television or radio and hear political spin-doctors telling the world William Barr did not commit perjury. Then you have Nancy Pelosi making this claim.

“He lied to Congress. He lied to Congress,” she said. “If anybody else did that, it would be considered a crime. Nobody is above the law — not the president of the United States, not the attorney general.”


When you watch the video at the link, to a tax payer it is perjury. To the lawyers and spin-doctors it is “a very specific answer to a very specific question.” It’s nice to see the Republican Party has devolved to the level of Trump. They had integrity when they booted Nixon out, not so much now, then again, neither does Trump.

Bill Clinton imageThis isn’t Nancy Pelosi’s first impeachment rodeo. She was in office when the Democrats failed to put Syphilis Willie in prison for blatant perjury in the eyes of the tax payer. Not Club Fed either. Medium security is where he should have went. Ah, some of you reading this are far too young to remember the Clinton Perjury. You can read quite a bit about it here.

Clinton Corruption

The Clinton Era was a bottom I hoped this country would never hit again. In this tax payer’s eyes Clinton is the modern spelling of Corruption. Sadly their corruption infested the Obama Era and that’s why no Wall Street Banker went to prison for the blatant mortgage fraud they engaged in which sucked a trillion plus dollars out of the global economy.

Before you brand me a Republican spin-doctor know that I actually voted for Obama. I voted for Reagan too. Didn’t see what all the fuss was about Ollie North selling guns to a banned country turning enough of a profit to fund a little black ops war. Actually the only thing I really wanted to know about that was just how much they paid. Three layers of middlemen taking a cut and Ollie still turned enough of a profit to fund a military operation. Do the math on that. They definitely could have gotten a better deal on the black market.

Nancy’s Chickens

You see, Nancy’s chickens have come home to roost.

Clinton Testimony

If you bother to look it up (or lived through it) you know that Monica was bobbing at the knob and there was some cigar probing and reported “sea food diners.” In they eyes of tax payers everywhere, this was blatant perjury committed by the President of the United States in a hopeless attempt at saving his own ass. There was no noble civic duty. He wasn’t denying a classified military operation for the good of the soldiers or anything like that. He was just trying to hide some nasty shorts.

Tit for Tat

So, if you want to go after Barr for perjury, you have to put Syphilis Willie in prison for it first.

The more horrific thing to come out of all this has been mostly ignored. The A.G. is supposed to have an oath of office to the law and the people, not an oath of loyalty to the president. What I saw in what little I watched was a PR spin-doctor acting as defense attorney for Trump instead of the A.G. of the American people. Complete disregard for the country and people within it.

Robert MuellerIf the Democrats wish to pursue something worthwhile, they should pursue finding out if Barr aided in the obstruction of justice with his testimony and the spin-doctor press conference well ahead of actually releasing the Muller report. I do look forward to Muller testifying. He just might be the only honest person in the room.

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