Facebook is Hazardous to Your Health

immage of coffin at funeral

Facebook iconNope, this is not just a cranky old guy rant. This is actual medical science. Facebook destroys your life both emotionally and physically. There has now been a clinical study involving professors from Yale and UC San Diego proving this very thing. Even the Harvard Business Review has been weighing in on this.

Before long we will get a larger, more formal study which may come up with one of those trendy catch-phrases like they did for tobacco.


via MEME

I wonder just how many minutes off your life Facebook takes?

One would suppose the health risk is higher for those trapped at a job far away from home. They end up spending too much time online.

The study I’m waiting to see is if it is healthier to smoke a cigarette while out for a walk than spend an hour on Facebook. That’s a medical question worth answering!

Once social distancing is over, try actual social contact. Meet people strange to you, in person, not over a keyboard. Leave the (*&)(*&ing iDiot phone at home! You should actually look at them while speaking. Just think twice before meeting them at Burger King.

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