I’ve waited a while to write this post about college protesters, but it is time. Universities were correct in using police to end encampments. They should withhold your diplomas and cancel your scholarships. Governments should cancel your passports.
This is not a cranky old man speaking. I’m someone who has seen this movie time and time again. You are young and by that definition stupid. Colleges shouldn’t put you out into the world having learned nothing. All kids are stupid, that is the definition of a kid.You haven’t experienced enough life to yet possess wisdom. If you live long enough, you will. Sadly, most of you involved in those protests were less than two weeks away from strapping on a bomb vest and self-detonating. The saddest part of all is you don’t even realize it.
No matter what your field of study, a college is responsible for first teaching you how to do proper research via legitimate sources. Doesn’t matter if you are majoring in Phys Ed or Nuclear Science. High schools don’t teach this. Many schools don’t even have libraries. College has to teach you this first. Colleges are closing their doors in part because they have failed to teach this skill. Parents and future students alike have all encountered Educated Idiots. Why go into massive debt to be one of those? You can be an idiot for free without going to college.
Google is Not Research
Nor should it ever be considered a “trusted source.” Google tells you there were black Nazis. It will also give you a first result of either its own property or the highest paying advertiser, or AI spam.
Facebook is Not Research
Nor should it ever be considered a “trusted source.” Social media in general is human poison. This is a primary, if not the primary, recruitment tool of terrorist groups like ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hamas, and even MAGA. (Several large components of MAGA have been branded terrorist organizations internationally. The KKK is even on the verge of being declared a terrorist group in America.)
Previously, to be recruited by a terrorist organization you had to “go somewhere.” A dingy dive bar, a mosque, Bible study, etc. Because you had to go somewhere, law enforcement could monitor the “somewhere.” It also meant when you were not at the “somewhere” you had exposure to the real world.
Digital Crack
Social media business models are that of a drug dealer dispensing Digital Crack. The algorithms are designed to keep your eyeballs on the site as long as possible. They feed you a steady stream of what you have become addicted to along with revenue generating (for them) content. If you’ve ever been around an addict you will know, truth doesn’t matter, getting the next fix does.
That’s why you can’t even look up long enough to enjoy a wedding or a meal with others. You are a junkie. Your drug of choice is Digital Crack. You will forsake friends, jobs, and family just to maintain your fix. Most of you check your phones behind the wheel so you won’t live to see 30.
This Digital Crack silos you. After just a couple of clicks you will find yourself getting a steady stream of such content. The Digital Crack social media dispenses creates an echo chamber where you receive constant re-enforcement of incorrect information and thought. Extremes become ordinary. This is how you go from a peaceful bible study group to fire bombing an abortion clinic; a social media follower to the shooter in PizzaGate; an ordinary college student to attending “pro-palestine” rally/encampment shouting “from the river to the sea” along with other ugly racial slurs. It’s a tiny tiny step from shouting the ugly racial slurs to violent terrorist act.
Why Research Matters
Indoctrinate the Youth
Every terrorist organization must indoctrinate the youth to establish a firm base. This has happened with the Klu Klux Klan, MAGA, Hitler’s Nazi party, ISIS, al-Qaeda, et-al. The tools change with the times, but the pattern is always the same. Hitler created the Hitler Youth and League of German girls. Putin used social media, conspiracy theory Web sites, and Fox News to create QAnon and from/with it MAGA. There is now a self-fulfilling echo-system for it.
Person of Power
Not so much power, but of blind trust or influence. This is also called “Cult of Personality.” In parts of the Arab world extremists push for only the Quran to be taught. How you manage to buy groceries without being able to make change doesn’t seem to enter into their logic process. If the only instructor you have is telling you to become a soldier for a terrorist organization because Jihad is the only path to heaven, and they are telling you that every day, eventually you start believing it. If there is only one source of information, you can’t “go somewhere else” to check it out. Remember, there is no Internet in many of those places and the people are poor.
This is how a soon-to-be mom gets told to not trust the medical world and becomes a staunch anti-vaxer. She was lucky. The Putin backed Qanon MAGA anti-vaxer crowd tried one lie too many. Everybody has a different size for the whopper that detonates them out of their echo chamber and they finally tripped her bullshit meter.
Recruitment Network
Whether they were part of the official terrorist recruitment team when they started their teaching degrees or not, your instructors and fellow students fed you a steady diet of Jew hating. Oh, they weren’t blatant, at least not initially. They used sanitized words and stories. Occupiers, oppressors, and the like. They teach you quaint sounding slogans like “from the river to the sea Palestine shall be free” which calls for the extermination of all Jews. What gets left out is that Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah and a host of other terrorist organizations are all funded and guided by this servant of Satan.
With his funding and constant “ring of fire” talk, they have been firing rockets, attacking and randomly killing Jews for decades. That’s what you “stand with” when you “stand with Palestine” after the October 7th attack Greta Thunberg.
This is old-school recruitment. Just like the teacher at the Mosque. Many may not even know that they are a terrorist recruitment tool. They’ve been indoctrinated. You, and the college protesters, got duped because you had no idea how to do proper research. You aren’t even pissed at the right people!
Let’s do the research for you and identify who is really committing genocide along with how.
Yeah, this guy again. Willing to kill the last Palestinian trying to exterminate all Jews and Israel.
Adamant that Egypt’s borders shall not open for refugees.
These are the perpetrators of genocide, not Israel. They deliberately aid and abet the servant of Satan Ali Khamenei by trapping Palestinians in Gaza so they can serve as human shields if they will not fight to end Israel.
I don’t even have to leave the current year to prove that to you. The U.S. has admitted 271,000 Ukrainian refugees since Putin invaded. Other countries have accepted other numbers of them. This is what happens with civilized countries. Civilians fleeing the fighting are allowed to cross borders.
Are they killing all of the Palestinians? No. The rich or at least wealthy ones are able to buy their way out.
Servant of Satan Too Strong?
No. Islam is a religion of peace. No legitimate religious leader could twist and pervert it into requiring the extermination of Jews and Israel. None. Only a true servant of Satan could go down such a path. It’s really time for legitimate Islamic leaders to issue a fatwa calling for the extermination of this Satanic Servant and his organization.
It really needs to be the Iranian people who exterminate this from their society, eliminating the morality police and revolutionary guard. Other countries can fund and train said people, but, unless you are willing to conquer and poses for all eternity the country of Iran, it can’t really be an outside country. This corrupt and perverted organization must be sterilized by the people of Iran themselves.
There is no Two State Solution
As long as the Servant of Satan and his perverted organization runs Iran there can be no Two State solution. They spew vile hatred of Jews that might even make Adolf Hitler blush were he alive today. His organization is certainly no better than the Nazi’s of Germany in World War II. Why build camps when you can pay others stupid/gullible enough to listen to you to fire rockets into where they already live?
If You Really Want to Protest
If you really want to protest, do your own research via legitimate sources and protest where it actually matters.
- Outside the embassies of Egypt demanding they open their borders let the Human Shields out.
- Outside/at the United Nations demanding that they seize the billions in Iranian assets frozen around the world. Not just seize it, but use it to find permanent new homes for Gaza residents. $1 million per head to the country (not Iran or Lebanon) that will give them permanent residence, never to return to Gaza.
- At every Iranian embassy demanding they overthrow the Servant of Satan and his puppet government. Iranians don’t even vote in elections because they only get to choose among his hand picked candidates.
- If you still want to demand your University “divest” of something, have them cease doing business with Egypt and anyone doing business with Egypt until the Human Shields are allowed to flee.
No, you shouldn’t get your diploma. No, you shouldn’t have a scholarship. Why? You didn’t bother to do the research and let yourself be played by a terrorist organization.