You can’t spew that much baseless bullshit and expect to remain ANON. QANON kept trying to hide in the Internet, but your phrasing gets you. Damned few people have the ability to wear a legend properly.
Three men may keep a secret of two of them are dead.
Game of Thrones (and probably hundreds of other places)
People have believed this for a very long time. As long as you don’t have any written or verbal communication as part of your secret it might even be true. It fails miserably when words are involved. People have speech patters and handwriting traits, not to mention they tend to misspell the same words consistently. This has been a theme in so many movies.
Oh, come on, you’ve all seen movies where ransom notes looked like this. Usually there is a plot line where the criminal forgot to wear gloves or all of the letters came from the same N magazines and only one person subscribed to them. In the Steven Seagal Hard to Kill the crooked politician had a habit of saying “you can take that to the bank” so when they caught him on surveillance with audio . . .
All it took was some research people with access to messages, computers, and algorithms. The New York Times has actually named both people researchers have fingered as QANON. They still haven’t found the person who really set things up. They might not have put the plan in motion, but they kept it coordinated and created a QANON for profit industry. I’ve blogged about this before.
While many readers wish to believe “everyone is on the Internet,” the reality is a big chunk of the population is not. Of those that are, another big chunk don’t visit social media or nutter conspiracy sites. For that you needed to pipe the bullshit to where the gullible minds congregate, notably FOX News. The real frothing at the mouth people started watching One American Nutter network, well, until DirecTV dumped it.
My personal opinion is when they start scraping the bottom of the septic tank that is the QANON world they are going to find Roger Stone was the or one of the puppet masters behind it.
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