Interesting Authors Blog

Thoughts and words from some interesting authors
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Author: Jeffrey Mays

10 reasons why it’s better to pay the extra $30 when considering a hotel

Broken things never fixed.  Examples:  the shower curtain – it’s one of those curved-out kind, but it’s been pulled down and the mounts in the sheetrock ripped out of the walls.  What’s going to happen when I take a shower? …

A bathroom conversation

I went into a public restroom today and noticed what is now undeniable empirical evidence that men have evolved a totally new language used only in restrooms. But this language consists of a reversion to primitive body signals, not words….

Leaving Las Vegas

So the way I came to find myself in Las Vegas again is, my company is creating a partnership with Cisco, and we must have a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) on staff to qualify.  That’s me.  We must also…